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Sue’s Views
As another month comes to an end ….. the spring blossoms are doing their thing! In a world of hopelessness and despair ….. they are sending out a message of hope and beauty. Of fruitfulness and change. They are a reminder of God’s sovereignty over all of creation. He is not fazed by the news. If you are feeling anxious or depressed ….. change channels!


Sue’s Views
Erosion is defined as ‘the gradual destruction or diminution of something’ or ….. ‘the fact of a good quality or situation being gradually lost or destroyed’. Tree roots form an underground network that stabilises the soil, so deforestation often leads to increased soil erosion. Likewise ….. when our moral standards are reduced ….. the roots that held our society firmly are weakened ….. resulting in a landslide! Our values for family ….. freedom ….. and the right to choose ….. are under attack! The operative word is ‘gradual’. It’s the constant but gradual pressure that weakens our resolve. By holding fast to the confession of our faith without wavering ….. our roots will begin to grow again and strengthen our nation!

Look Deeper

Sue’s Views
The more I read in the Old Testament ….. the more I think I’m reading today’s newspaper! The deception ….. immorality ….. idolatry ….. and downright evil ….. are nothing new. The problems they faced then are the same today. They turned their backs on God and did what seemed right in their own eyes. The answer is still the same as well ….. repent and turn back to God and His ways and He will forgive and heal our land! Please folk ….. look deeper! The government ….. the vaccine ….. lockdowns ….. aren’t going to fix this!

Life Goes On!

Sue’s Views
I was excited to come across this family of ducks this weekend. They are Paradise ducks and they mate for life! They are always together ….. but the exciting thing is ….. they were accompanied by 5 little tiny babies! It was a reminder that life is continuing as normal outside of Covid!


Sue’s Views
My grandson Israel sent me this photo the other day. He took it himself while walking in the Gardens with his family. He said it reminded him of our many walks in the past ….. and thought I might like to add it to my collection. Apart from being a stunning photo ….. it spoke to me of the many ways we can show love to one another. It doesn’t have to cost money ….. just thoughtfulness! Thanks Isa! Love you!

Seek First the Kingdom

Sue’s Views
It’s never easy being the odd one out ….. but the majority are not always right! We’ve been given a brain to think for ourselves ….. but let’s do it prayerfully and respectfully. Jesus was the perfect example. He stood against the political and religious leaders because He followed the will of his Father. He carried the sins of the ‘herd mentality’ to the cross. Isaiah the prophet said ‘All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on him the sins of us all.’ Jesus said ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God ….. and all these things (things you need) will be added to you.’

Lillies and Sparrows

Sue’s Views
Another positive from being in lockdown is learning to be content with what you have. We’ve learned to make do with what’s in our wardrobe or pantry. And we’ve discovered that ….. with a bit of imagination ….. we can create a new look or a new recipe! Jesus said ‘Don’t worry about what you will eat or what you will wear ….. because your Heavenly Father knows what you need.’ He pointed out the lillies and sparrows ….. neither of which earn money or go shopping ….. and yet they are well looked after. How much more does He care for us?

The Little Things

Sue’s Views
As we spend our last day at level 4 ….. what are you looking forward to the most? Probably being able to get takeaways? One thing lockdown does is make us thankful for the things we used to take for granted! Going shopping used to be a necessary chore ….. but is now a highlight of my week! My daily walk has made me even more amazed at the beauty of nature. Texts and messages are also something I cherish. No doubt we will soon be back into our overly busy schedules ….. so take a moment to breathe and say Thank You for the little things.

Overcoming Overwhelm

Sue’s Views
Ps Amy Morenko shared an amazing word with us yesterday about overcoming overwhelm. We are probably all struggling with feeling overwhelmed by all that’s going on to some extent. But ….. as she said ….. it’s our thoughts that overwhelm us more than our circumstances. They will always take us downwards! They take us on a journey of ‘what ifs’ ….. and lead to anxiety ….. fear ….. and depression. If we can get a hold of that ….. we can ‘reroute’ our thought journey. By focussing on what is true ….. lovely ….. pure and just ….. we can renew our minds and the way we think. King David prayed ‘When my heart is overwhelmed ….. lead me to the Rock who is higher than I’. His thoughts are always higher than ours.

Free to live right

Sue’s Views
I was in the checkout at the supermarket yesterday when I heard raised voices and a lot of swearing just beside me. Someone didn’t like the rules of only one per household ….. and made it clear they weren’t happy. They followed me out of the shop swearing that they felt like smashing someone 😳. Not wanting to be that someone ….. I pushed my trolley a little faster to the car park at the same time praying for this couple. Living with strict rules is tough for some. The golden rule of treating others as you would want them to treat you is still the best way to live! Jesus set us free ….. not to do what we like ….. but to live right.