
Exploring faith and life
To the mother who battles guilt every day, who wonders if you said enough, or said too much, or said it the right way…
To the mother who battles loneliness, wishing she was surrounded by a community of other mothers to share the load with, mothers that could walk in on the stress and mess and say “let me help”…
To the mother who is giving her kid the same thing for lunch again when everyone else’s lunchboxes look so Instagram-worthy…
To the mother who’s doing parenthood alone, and wonders why…
To the mother who feels misunderstood, wondering if she’s accepted, if she measures up, if other people think she talks too much, or says weird stuff, or shouts at her kids too much…
To the mother who fights doubt, wondering if her kids really know how much she loves them…
To the mother who fights fear, who watches the news stories and wonders if her kids will be ok…
To the mother who watches Bluey and tears up because, well, her house isn’t always that fun and creative…
To the mother who feels she’s always saying “no, we can’t afford that”…
To the mother who feels there’s never enough time…
To the mother battling tantrums, sleepless nights, work deadlines, dishes, mess, hormones, depression…
To the one who longs to be a mother, or lost a precious child…
To the mother who fears she’s never enough… never good enough, kind enough, patient enough, involved enough, determined enough, successful enough…
God sees you. He knows. He cares… He wants in.
Let Him in and watch what He does… it will be greater than you ever imagined.