There’s a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Sue’s Views
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! No matter what ‘tunnel’ you are going through ….. there is an end to it. The worse part is the darkness ….. the monotony ….. and not knowing when it will end. The best part is that it’s taking you through something that would otherwise be insurmountable. Whether your tunnel experience is physical ….. emotional ….. financial ….. relational ….. remember God is the greatest Civil Engineer! He not only built the tunnel ….. He knows every square inch of it ….. and will be with you every step of the way. 
 “Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.”  
   Psalm 30:5


What Did God Really Say?

Sue’s Views
I don’t know a time when I’ve been more aware of the battle between good and evil! I feel like I’m living in a ‘parallel universe’! The devils plan has always been to make us question God. (‘Did God really say …..’) He uses subtlety and counterfeit to sugarcoat his lies. That’s why it’s so important to know what God really did say! In the days when bank tellers handled cash ….. they were taught to study the original banknotes so they would automatically recognise a counterfeit one. They didn’t study all the false notes! It’s the same with us! We must know what Gods Word says ….. not everyone’s opinions about what it says. That only brings confusion. Check it out for yourself. It’s time to decide which side you are on!
