Clean Out Time!

Sue’s Views
Well 2023 is almost over ….. and now it’s time to prepare for a new year. There’s something about a new year that makes me want to clean out closets ….. and rearrange stuff. But most of all ….. to do a heart check. It’s like we get an opportunity to start over. To get rid of things that don’t quite ‘fit’ who God made us to be. And to focus on what brings out the best in us! 
If 2023 has been a tough one for you ….. no doubt you are a different person than you were a year ago. I can’t promise 2024 will be any easier ….. but I can promise that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He will continue to be your strength ….. your provider ….. and your helper in times of need.

A New Way Of Thinking

Sue’s Views
I wonder what new things 2024 will bring? At the end of his life …..King Solomon concluded that “there is nothing new under the sun!” I recently heard a preacher say, “History repeats itself. It has to because no one listens!” I’m personally not looking for ‘the new thing’ ….. but for a new way of looking at the ‘old’. New understanding ….. new revelation ….. new desire to change my thinking to God’s perspective. How about you?

Take The Plunge!

Sue’s Views
Yesterday I went for my first and last swim in the sea for 2023! You’ll have to take my word for it as there is no photo! It wasn’t the first opportunity I’d had this year. It’s just that I had always found an excuse ….. a reason not to. ‘The tide is too far out’ …… ‘the sea is a bit rough’ ….. ‘it’s a bit cold’ etc. I went through all those again yesterday ….. but then I decided to just do it! It was honestly the best half hour! Many times in life we miss opportunities because we look for reasons not to rather than to do it. So my advice is to take the plunge while you have the chance. Otherwise ….. your opportunity will turn into a regret!


Sue’s Views
Life has many challenges ….. not the least of which is other people’s expectations. Especially at this time of year ….. trying to please everyone will add to our stress. Not everyone is going to be pleased with us ….. we have to learn to live with that fact! We too must be careful not to put excessive expectations on others. Like the Apostle Paul said ….. ‘I have learned to be content ….. whether with much or with little’.

The Narrow Path

Sue’s Views
If you are walking on the narrow path ….. you probably experience times of loneliness. It’s not the most popular route! You may sometimes question whether you are going the right way. The Bible tells us that the highway to hell is broad and crowded ….. but the path to heaven is small and only a few ever find it. Sobering thought!

Man Of His Word

Sue’s Views 
One thing I know for sure is that God is a Man of His Word! When He says something ….. He means it! When He promises something ….. it will happen! But He will work it according to His timetable ….. His purpose ….. and His way. So don’t wear yourself out worrying about the ‘hows’ and ‘whens’. Your wildest imagination could not come anywhere near to His plans! Instead use this time to build your trust in the God who sees the end from the beginning ….. and every step in between! There can be peace and strength in the waiting!

Stop ….. And Smell The Roses!

Sue’s Views
In the busyness of the season ….. don’t forget to stop and smell the roses! A walk through the rose garden will put things into perspective. It will make you aware that you are part of something much bigger than the things that concern you ….. and therefore you can hand them over to the One who cares more than you do. You may have difficult people or situations to deal with. Even roses have thorns ….. they are part of life. But they don’t allow the thorns to overshadow their beauty.

Thank you, pen

Thank you, pen, for allowing me
To hide behind you thoughtfully
Where words can be written in due course
With the ability to stop and pause.
Where my opinions may be told
To wait, to sit back down and hold
Their brash and noisy tongues a while
Until determined if worthwhile.
Should I bring them out full force?
Or should I wait and ponder their source?
Does this opinion come from love?
From knowledge, truth… or a punching glove?
For sometimes if I don't allow
My thoughts to fully filter, how
They have a habit of coming out
Unannounced, and often without
A proper thought as to whether or not
They are really needed on the spot
Or if, perhaps, they should be trained
By self-control, to be restrained…
But written words can be rephrased
Added to, or just erased
Unlike words fresh off the tongue
Which can't return once they are flung.
So I admit, I much prefer
To let my reckless thoughts defer
To paper while I stop and think
Before putting them into ink.
For words have power of all kinds,
To build up, or destroy, our minds
To usher in sweet comfort and peace  
Or cause a frail hope to decease…
They can cause a fire to rage
Or put our future in a cage,
Or they can bring about great change
And cause a life to re-arrange.
And so, dear pen, I thank you much
For being a thought-buffer as such,
To filter out anger and pride
And let my careless words subside.
Proverbs 18:21
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
James 1:19-20
“Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to get angry, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”

Proverbs 15:23
“Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!”


Sue’s Views
Bridges connect places or people that would otherwise be separated. Whether it’s a river ….. highway ….. or railway track ….. a bridge can overcome isolation and gives access to what’s on the other side. Has something come between you and someone else? An offence maybe ….. or just lack of effort? Do you need to build a bridge? It may just be a text ….. phone call ….. or a card ….. but by reaching out from your side ….. you can bridge the gap between you. Friendships take a lot of work in our busy lifestyle but they are worth the effort.

The Value Of Reading With Your Children

Sue’s Views
As the school year comes to a close ….. parents face the challenge of what to do with their children. One of the best things we can do is to sit down and read with them. It involves time and presence …..which is what they need. It’s too easy to sit them in front of tv ….. or give them a tablet to amuse themselves while we ‘get on’. Half an hour of reading will calm them ….. and teach them to explore their own imagination. It won’t do you any harm either! Make it a focal point each day so they look forward to it!. Op shops are full of books at next to nothing and they can be swapped with other families.