Leap Year

Sue’s Views
Today is the 29th February and it only comes round every four years. It’s like a bonus ….. so let’s make it special! Maybe do something you’ve been putting off because of lack of time. Or use it to do something that requires a ‘leap’ of faith! However you spend this day ….. let’s be thankful for our Heavenly Father who always gives us more than we deserve.

Dealing With Uncomfortable Memories

Sue’s Views
Every so often ….. we are reminded of something from the past. It may be sparked by words we hear ….. something we see ….. or read ….. but it makes you feel uncomfortable or even ashamed. These memories are there for a reason. Left unattended they will entangle you and hinder your progress. The way to freedom is to acknowledge them ….. and deal with the root. It may be you need to repent of something ….. or forgive someone. Then you can shake off any lies attached to the memory and move on.


Sue’s Views
There’s always that one who has to draw attention to themselves! It’s often a coverup for what’s really going on inside. Inferiority ….. low self esteem ….. or rejection ….. can cause people to act in ways that communicate the opposite. Instead of rejecting them further ….. try to look beyond the exterior ….. and give them the validation they so badly need.

Challenging Relationships

Sue’s Views 
Do you have a ‘challenging’ relationship in your life? Someone who ‘rubs you up the wrong way’ ….. or brings out the ‘worst’ in you? No doubt they are there for a reason. Either to rub a few rough edges off you? ….. or for you to help smooth some off them. Either way ….. my advice is to yield to the process. Running away from it only means there will be a bigger ‘brick’ waiting for you further down the track!

Nothing is Impossible!

Sue’s Views 

When I look at the variety of beautiful things God has made ….. it reminds me that nothing is impossible for Him! It doesn’t matter that I cannot fathom how God could possibly answer my prayer. He’s not limited by my tiny little mind! He’s a creator ….. so even if there’s nothing to work with ….. He just creates new material! “No eye has seen ….. no ear has heard ….. no mind has imagined ….. the things God has prepared for those who love Him!”



Sue’s Views 
Rest is a vital part of life! Even the electronic gadgets …..that so often rob us of sleep ….. need recharging regularly! Overuse = short life span! It’s the same with us! Overworking does not mean more productivity …..  success ….. or money. Amazing things happen to your body and soul while you sleep so don’t deprive yourself of this wonderful gift!

It’s the Climb

Sue’s Views
Life is full of challenges! It seems that just when you are enjoying a break from the last one ….. another one looms up. A situation that takes you out of your comfort zone ….. a commitment you have to meet when you’d rather stay home ….. or something you are afraid of failing in.  Being comfortable ….. staying home ….. and playing it safe might look tempting ….. but it won’t grow you or develop you. So accept that challenge! Meet that commitment! Face that fear! You’ll be glad you did! As the song goes ….. It’s the Climb!

Tackling Your ‘To Do’ List

Sue’s Views
Some days the ‘to do’ list is so overwhelming ….. you don’t know where to start. At times like that it’s easy to bury your head in the sand and not get anything done. I once heard a good piece of advice that has helped me through such times. Write down the three most important things and tackle those. Chances are ….. you’ll feel so good about what you’ve accomplished that you’ll want to continue. But if not, at least you’ve made progress and you can do another three tomorrow!

Faith is the Antidote of Fear

Sue’s Views
Fear of what might happen is one of the devil’s most powerful weapons! With so many tragedies happening around us ….. it’s easy to fall for his tactics. The antidote for fear is ‘faith’! Peter the disciple was able to walk on water during a storm when he kept his eyes on Jesus ….. but the moment he looked at the waves ….. he started to go under. Jesus caught him and said, ‘You of little faith! Why did you doubt?’ Jesus is the same yesterday ….. today ….. and forevermore. Yes ….. there will be more storms! But the same Jesus will be there to walk you through it ….. and to catch you if your faith weakens. The way forward is to focus on His power over the circumstances ….. not the circumstances themselves!

The Potter’s Wheel

Sue’s Views 
When a potter crafts a new pot, it spends a great deal of time on the potter’s wheel. The clay has to be softened and moulded until it’s ready to be shaped into what he needs it to be. It then has to stand on a shelf to dry out for a few days before it goes into the kiln to be baked so it will be strong enough to hold its contents. Finally it is glazed and sealed so it won’t crack. Does any of this sound familiar? If you are on the potter’s wheel ….. on the shelf ….. or in the furnace ….. know that the Master Potter is preparing you for His use. Good things take time ….. but it’s worth the wait!