God Is An Artist

Sue’s Views 
Stunning view from my window this morning! Sunrises and sunsets have inspired artists down through the ages. But I reckon God is the Artist of all artists. His masterpiece is constantly changing! It’s a living work of art ….. and it’s new every morning, reminding us that He is in Control!


Sue’s Views
Well ….. here we are in April ….. which means we are one quarter of the way through the year! Time is such a valuable commodity. I looked back at my journal to see how I’d spent the year so far. Much of it has been the mundane ….. everyday ….. norm ….. things we don’t bother to record. It can seem sometimes like we haven’t accomplished much. But things like work ….. family ….. friends ….. and even time for ourselves ….. are investments that will earn interest later. So ….. ask God to guide you each day ….. and keep on investing in Heaven!