Creator Of Heaven And Earth!

Sue’s Views
It’s hard to appreciate the night sky when you live in urban areas ….. but I remember looking up when we were staying in a rural area of Fiji. It was the most amazing sight I’d ever seen! To think that those millions of bright shiny dots were bigger than our planet earth was mind blowing. And then to think how far away they are and how vast the universe is is incomprehensible. But the most amazing thing of all is the fact that they were all uniquely created by God ….. and that He knows each one by name! How great must He be! And yet ….. He knows you and me intimately as well. From the largest planet to the minutest cell in our bodies! He deserves all the praise and all the glory!

Use It Or Lose It!

Sue’s Views
Did you know that you have something others need? Your talents ….. ideas ….. resources ….. have been given to you so you can be a blessing to others. If you don’t pass them on ….. you’ll become like this stagnant pond. It’s no use to anyone! You can’t drink from it ….. and it just attracts mosquitoes! Those who give are given more. One of our favourite mottos is Use it ….. or lose it!’


Sue’s Views
These rose hips remind me that sometimes we are of more use after our ‘best’ season ….. once the beauty, fragrance and abundance has left us perhaps feeling bare ….. disappointed ….. and unfruitful. But what’s left is full of goodness ….. healing ….. and promise of more fruit to come. Don’t be discouraged! You are just the medicine someone needs today!

Are Things A Little Unclear?

Sue’s Views
Are things a little unclear? It may be that you need to wait till the mist clears. A misty morning usually signifies a beautiful day ahead. The future is bright ….. it’s just that you’re looking through clouds of doubt or fear. They will distort your view. Pray the clouds away and confess the truth ….. that God is good and gives good things to those who love Him.

Work Of Art!

Sue’s Views
Just want to remind everyone out there this Monday morning that you are a work of art! You are packed full of potential ….. destined for greatness ….. and blessed from above. Don’t let the voices from the past tell you otherwise. Learn from your past mistakes so you don’t repeat them ….. but allow your glorious future to unfold. Let your mess become your message!

‘For Such A Time As This’

Sue’s Views
I love how the camellia is one of the most delicately beautiful blossoms ….. and yet it blooms during the harshest months of the year. What’s its secret? Only that it was created ‘for such a time as this’. If your circumstances seem harsh ….. remember your Father in Heaven knew about it before you did. But He has put into you His own Spirit ….. the same Spirit that raised Christ from death! If you try to do it in your own strength ….. you’ll fail. But if you allow His strength ….. life ….. and wisdom to flow through you ….. nothing can hold you back!

Unique Purpose

Sue’s Views 
Did you know that God created you for a specific and unique purpose? No one else can do what He designed you to do ….. and you can’t do what He designed someone else to do. That’s why it’s so important that we discover our own pathway. But ….. at the same time ….. you have gifts that others need. We are not designed to live separately ….. but to live in relationship with others whose gifts we can encourage and enhance. So there’s no point in comparing or envying! Your gift is just as valuable as everyone else’s so long as you use it for God. Receive your gift with thanksgiving ….. and then share it with others!
 ‘But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.’ 2 Cor 10:12

The Secret Place

Sue’s Views
Do you ever wish you could fly away to some quiet spot away from all the problems life brings? Well you can! It’s called the Secret Place. It’s a place you can go to at any time no matter what you’re doing. It’s a place of refreshing ….. wisdom ….. peace ….. joy ….. because it’s in the presence of the One who is all those things and so much more. A few moments with Him and you’ll feel renewed and have a fresh perspective on your situation.


Sue’s Views
Discouragement is one of the enemy’s favourite weapons! Just when you start to exercise faith and hope ….. he will make sure you hear or see something that brings doubt. One negative thought or image in our mind can undo all that has been built previously. I read this morning that faith begins in the heart ….. whereas hope is in the mind. Hope in the Bible is not wishful thinking ….. it is an assurance that God will be true to His Word. 
The next time you feel discouraged ….. remember to let what is in your heart rule over what is in your mind! 
 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Bud Form

Sue’s Views
If the future is not looking too rosy ….. remember you can’t see the full picture. Whatever God has purposed for your life ….. He has also provided for. Right now ….. it may be in bud form. It may seem small and closed to you. But I assure you ….. it will open up at the right time. And you will wonder ….. ‘Where did that come from?’ Be thankful for what you have now. Don’t worry about the future!