Position Yourself!

Sue’s Views
In order to take this photo ….. I had to position myself so that the tree blocked the sun. Otherwise it would have been too bright. Obviously the sun is a lot bigger than the tree! I wonder what relatively small thing is blocking you from being able to receive God’s light? Shame from the past ….. a lie you  are believing ….. an idol of some sort you are putting before Him? Whatever it is ….. you need to see it in perspective. By simply taking one step ….. that thing will no longer be in the way ….. and God’s light will shine through to you.

Last Supper

Sue’s Views
Yesterday we had our ‘last supper’ (or late lunch) as a family in our home before we move out in a couple of weeks. So many mixed emotions! In the 18 years we’ve lived here ….. we’ve celebrated 2 weddings and the births of 12 grandchildren. We’ve looked after and mourned the passing of my Mum & Dad. We’ve been able to host friends and extended family ….. and enjoyed much fellowship around our table. Of course there have been ups and downs ….. tears amongst the laughter ….. and hard lessons learned. But God has always been faithful and walked us through the good and the not so good! We look forward with excitement to the next chapter!
One of our favourite scriptures is Psalm 37: 24-25 
“The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;  though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.
I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.”


Sue’s Views
It’s officially winter! The trees have shed their leaves ….. the sun goes down by 5 ….. and heaters are firing up! In nature ….. today is the beginning of its most productive season. New life is starting to surge through those naked branches. The beauty of spring doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes months of preparation and chemical changes ….. but they all take place within and are unseen. It’s the same with us! Our most productive seasons become evident after a ‘winter’ experience. Those sleepless nights of anguish ….. those prayers that seem to hit the ceiling ….. those hopes that appear to have been dashed ….. those disappointments ….. are developing strength and character in you that could come no other way. 
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4

Learning From The Past

Sue’s Views
We all have a past! Some of it holds memories we regret and would rather forget. And some of it holds those precious golden memories we want to hold onto ….. and pass on to our loved ones. Both kinds are part of who we are now! Our loved ones can benefit as much from our mistakes ….. as from our glory moments. Don’t be afraid to share your story. It’s your finest lesson ….. and no one can argue with it!

Reclaim Your Territory!

Sue’s Views
Abraham was a man whom God chose to start a family that would become God’s chosen family which we know as Israel. God chose him because he was a man of great faith ….. but great faith is greatly tested! Before he even had a son ….. God promised him many descendants ….. but there were many obstacles in the way. At one point on his journey ….. God told him to walk on the land God would give him. 
‘Go and walk through the land in every direction, for I am giving it to you.’ Genesis 13:17
Later ….. God told Joshua ….. one of Abraham’s descendants  ….. to do the same. 
‘I will give you every place where you set your foot’ Joshua 1:3
These men obeyed God and claimed the territory that He had promised to them and their descendants.
What territory do you need to claim? What has the devil stolen from you? A child who has lost their way? The health of yourself or a loved one? Your marriage? Your financial well being? Your home? Whatever it is ….. you need to start walking! Not necessarily physically ….. but spiritually and mentally. See yourself tramping on the enemy and claiming back what is rightfully yours! 
Dear Lord, Thank You for your promises to me and my family. Right now ….. in the Name of Jesus ….. I take authority over all the works of the enemy. I claim back all that he has stolen from us. Give us wisdom for the future. Amen

Slow Down!

Sue’s Views
Ducks appear calm above the water but their little legs are going a hundred miles an hour under the water. Some of us are like that! In order to maintain an image that says ‘ I’ve got it all together’ ….. we stress and put unrealistic expectations on ourselves. Or maybe we are trying to live up to someone else’s expectations. Slow down! I once had a poster on my wall that said ‘The hurrieder I go ….. the behinder I get!’ It might not be the best grammar ….. but it’s a wise reminder!

King Of Kings

Sue’s Views
Today we celebrate the King’s Birthday! Throughout history there have been many kings ….. some good ….. some not so good. Some are born into a royal family and have no choice. Some take the throne by treason and the desire for power. And some have abdicated when the Job became too demanding. But there is one King who offered to leave His Royal throne in Heaven and come to Earth ….. to die for us so we could be part of His Heavenly Kingdom. He had no palace ….. no jewels! His carriage was a donkey ….. and His crown was a crown of thorns. But His reign will never end! He is the King of Kings and His name is Jesus! He wants you to be part of His Kingdom!