Keep Learning

Sue’s Views
Did you know that the human brain is the one organ that keeps developing throughout your life? You have the potential to keep learning ….. and to change the way you think no matter how old you are. We say things like ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ ….. but that’s more about us becoming set in our ways and not wanting to change. The truth is ….. there are new ideas waiting to be discovered inside of you. You just have to be willing to explore them. I wonder how many God given plans go undiscovered because we think we are too old ….. or we can’t be bothered. Food for thought!

New Every Morning

Sue’s Views
The fresh and vibrant colours of spring always remind me of God’s mercies that are ‘new every morning’. The word ‘mercy’ means undeserved favour. It means being spared of the punishment I deserve ….. and instead being given forgiveness. It’s not something to take for granted ….. but to be thankful for each and every day. Each new morning comes with the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. Now that is something to celebrate!

Wonderful Counsellor

Sue’s Views
Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t know what to do? I know I have! My mind goes blank and stress starts to take over. But that’s when I remember one of the names of Jesus is ‘Wonderful Counsellor’. He knows everything there is to know! He has guided me through many challenging times ….. and given me understanding that’s beyond my knowledge and ability. So ….. take a moment to call on Him. He is always available ….. and His service is free! What’s more ….. His counsel is always right!

Great Advice!

Sue’s Views
Two things come to mind when I look at this photo ….. 1. ‘It’s water under the bridge’….. meaning let go of the past ….. and 2. ‘It’s like water off a duck’s back’ ….. meaning don’t take offence from others. Both great advice to be take on board. Both will bring peace and freedom!

God Sees You!

Sue’s Views
Do you know that Almighty God ….. the Creator of the Universe ….. sees you? There is nowhere you can go to escape His gaze! Now that can be comforting ….. or alarming ….. depending on where you stand with Him. If you are one of His children ….. that is wonderful news. It means you never have to be afraid of danger ….. or worry about provision ….. or be anxious about your future. It means knowing who you are and whose you are. Above all ….. it means knowing you are forgiven from all your wrongdoing ….. and have God’s Spirit within you to guide you through life. However ….. if you don’t know God as your Father ….. you are missing out on the life He intended for you. There is only one way to change that and it’s through His Son, Jesus. In His words ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’

Dig Deep!

Sue’s Views
The most valuable treasures are never on the surface. Gold ….. precious stones ….. minerals are hidden underground.  They have to be dug for! The same can be said for people. We have to dig down deep sometimes to find the true character and beauty that is hidden there. But we can help them discover it by getting to know them and taking an interest in them. The most valuable treasures though are found in the pages of the Bible. Again ….. we have to dig for them. We do that by reading ….. asking questions like ‘who’ ‘when’ ‘where’ and ‘why’? ….. applying it to our situation ….. and by chewing it over several times. Like a cow chewing the grass ….. it takes time to make it become part of us. But once it does ….. we will be changed forever!


Sue’s Views
It’s not easy to find peace and quiet these days ….. but it’s something we all crave deep down. It’s not just about the absence of noise and activity ….. but the presence of the Prince of Peace. He is present in the middle of a storm ….. in a busy shopping mall ….. in heavy traffic ….. and in the turmoil of everyday life. We can’t always escape these ….. but we can always find Hiim and receive His peace. When life gets a bit frantic ….. and emotions become a roller coaster ….. remember He is right there! May you know His shalom today!

Enjoy The Moments

Sue’s Views
Walking with God means ….. making the most of the present moment! I love to see spring blossoms ….. the only thing is ….. they don’t last long! If we don’t take the time to appreciate them ..… they’ll be gone and we have to wait another whole year before they appear again. There are many things in life we miss because we are in a hurry ….. let’s decide to enjoy the moments ….. they’ll soon be gone!


Sue’s Views
I love how these trees grow so tall and straight ….. and respect each other’s space. Friendship is like that! It’s allowing someone to be who they are while standing alongside in support. It’s about letting them know you are there without invading their territory. And it’s about setting an example ….. being a person of integrity ….. even when they may go astray. So many lessons from a forest!


Sue’s Views
Who likes having to wait? And yet we all spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting in queues ….. at the traffic lights ….. waiting for someone else to get ready ….. waiting for an answer to prayer. These surfers amazed me at how much time they spend just waiting for the right wave! And yet ….. when it comes ….. it makes all the waiting worthwhile. Waiting definitely has its challenges ….. but it also does a lot of good in the process. It teaches us patience ….. perseverance ….. and trust. Waiting on God doesn’t mean doing nothing. It means seeing what you are hoping for in your mind and believing you have it. It means doing other things while you wait to help others. It means continually praying and thanking Him for all He is doing in and through you. And it means getting ready. Because when that wave comes ….. you won’t want to miss it! It could be the ride of your life!