
Sue’s Views
Who likes having to wait? And yet we all spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting in queues ….. at the traffic lights ….. waiting for someone else to get ready ….. waiting for an answer to prayer. These surfers amazed me at how much time they spend just waiting for the right wave! And yet ….. when it comes ….. it makes all the waiting worthwhile. Waiting definitely has its challenges ….. but it also does a lot of good in the process. It teaches us patience ….. perseverance ….. and trust. Waiting on God doesn’t mean doing nothing. It means seeing what you are hoping for in your mind and believing you have it. It means doing other things while you wait to help others. It means continually praying and thanking Him for all He is doing in and through you. And it means getting ready. Because when that wave comes ….. you won’t want to miss it! It could be the ride of your life!

Nothing Can In Any Way Harm You!

Sue’s Views

The enemy comes in many forms ….. but his aim is always to kill, steal and destroy. The good news is that as followers of Jesus, we have been given authority over all the works of the enemy! Whether it’s terrorism ….. financial collapse ….. a terminal disease ….. relationship breakdown ….. whatever may be threatening you ….. God’s word to you today is “Nothing can in any way harm you.”


Reset Time!

Sue’s Views
Yes! We are back at our happy place for a few days break. I’m not sure if the beach got longer or if we are just getting older ….. but we didn’t quite make it to the end! But we’re ok with that. We are here to rest. Resting doesn’t mean doing nothing ….. it means not having to meet deadlines or expectations. It means taking time to enjoy the things you’ve accomplished. It means taking time to hear from God about the future. Even in the busyness of life ….. we can learn to ‘enter God’s rest’ each day. In order to do that ….. we must have faith that God is in control ….. not us! Just as our devices occasionally need a reset ….. so do we!  
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

Life’s Lessons

Sue’s Views
When all you can see are your past mistakes ….. remember they don’t define who you will be tomorrow. When all you can feel are your painful memories ….. remember they don’t determine what will happen in the future. Life’s lessons are some of our most valuable possessions. Don’t waste them! Let your ‘mess’ become your ‘message’. There are people out there who need to hear it!

The New Thing

Sue’s Views
Life has its ups and downs ….. but one thing we can count on is God’s faithfulness! He never fails to come through. Just as the starkness of winter breaks forth into the beauty and freshness of spring ….. so your situation will give way to the ‘new thing’ God is doing in your life. Wait for it! It’s on the way!

Dealing With Change

Sue’s Views
We live in an ever changing world. One thing we can be sure of is change! Seasons change ….. governments change ….. laws change ….. people change ….. our circumstances change. It can make us stronger and more adaptable ….. or it can make us fearful and suspicious. It seems we can no longer take people at their word ….. but there is One who we can always depend on to follow through on His promises. He is the same yesterday ….. today ….. and forever more. We can trust Him 100%! If you put your trust in Him ….. He will help you navigate through the changes!
“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19

Keep Looking Up!

Sue’s Views
Are you struggling with confusion or conflict? ‘Con’ means against! There are always forces against us that try to rob us of our peace and joy. Jesus said we would always have trouble in this world but He also said “I have overcome the world.” If He lives in you ….. that means you too are an overcomer! Keep looking up! From where He sits ….. everything is going to plan.

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Sue’s Views
Proverbs 3:5-6 has become my go to scripture of late. It says:
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
There is so much treasure in those two verses. First we are to trust God wholeheartedly. That alone is a challenge! We are so used to being in control. And then to stop relying on what we know can sound irresponsible! But we need to realise that our understanding is limited and fallible whereas God knows everything and is totally reliable. He sees all the pitfalls and hidden agendas. Lastly we are to acknowledge Him in every situation ….. whether on the mountain top of exhilaration or in the depths of despair. Remember ….. it’s not about what we feel or see. It’s about Who He is! He is able to lead you through to where He wants you to be. ‘Making your paths straight’ suggests to me that He will help us practically as well as spiritually.


Sue’s Views
The thing that pleases God the most  is Faith. ‘Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.’ Hebrews 11:1 (Berea Study Bible). The Bereans were commended for their diligence in searching out the scriptures before believing what they were taught. Our faith must be anchored in Gods Word ….. it’s not just wishful thinking! But if God says something ….. we can stand upon it with the utmost assurance. That doesn’t mean it will happen in our timing or the way we would like. But it will happen! Hold fast to your confession of faith without wavering ….. because God always keeps His promises!

Give Me A Break!

Sue’s Views
I had to laugh at this mummy sheep who kept trying to walk away from her very determined baby. We’ve all had moments like that! ‘Give me a break!’ If you are a Mum of littlies ….. you’ll identify! But I can assure you ….. it is a season that will come to an end all too soon. You’ll look back longingly at those times when you were their world. They will become independent ….. and you will know you gave them the best possible start in life. Hang in there!