The Beauty Within

Sue’s Views
We should never judge people by our first impression. They may appear ‘prickly’ ….. but everyone has a story. Outwardly they may be saying ” stay away from me” but inwardly they are crying out for love and acceptance. We can reject them yet again ….. or help them and others see the beauty that lies within.

Unfulfilled Dreams

Sue’s Views
Do you have a dream that has faded in the light of reality? Maybe years have passed and you’ve resigned to thinking ‘that will never happen now.’ Maybe circumstances have put a barrier between you and the dream being fulfilled ….. or choices you’ve made have disqualified you from deserving it. Who gave you the dream? If it came from God ….. He will fulfil it! He’s the starter and the finisher. Yes it might take a little longer than He intended ….. and the route might be a little different ….. but hold on to those unfulfilled dreams. They are still on God’s to do list!

The Untrodden Path

Sue’s Views
There are times in life when there is no visible path. Does it mean you are going the wrong way ….. or just that few have taken the journey before you? The clear, well beaten track is always the most popular. But ‘it’s the narrow path that leads to life and few find it.’ We are called to walk by faith and not by sight. The question is ….. did God initiate the journey? If so ….. you can move ahead with absolute assurance that He will lead you to your destination.

Jesus Our Mediator

Sue’s Views
Today is Armistice Day. It marks the anniversary of an agreement to end World War I. It didn’t actually end the war but it stopped the fighting and began a series of discussions toward permanent peace. Unfortunately there have been many wars since then. Wars between nations ….. religious wars ….. family feuds ….. gang wars. Probably one of the most destructive is the war that goes on inside a person ….. the Battle of the Mind. The enemy is unseen ….. but powerful. He causes us to be so self focussed that we have no energy for anything or anyone else. He feeds us with lies that perpetuate the battle ….. and blind us to the truth. It’s time to call a truce! A truce requires a mediator who can bring the opposing sides together. Jesus Christ is our mediator! He is the Prince of Peace who defeated the foe by dying on a cross and rising again. Lay down your weapons of self protection and hatred ….. and put your trust in Him. He will fight your battles so you don’t have to. 


Sue’s Views
This cute little bird seems to know its value! Labels can have a huge impact on our lives. Words like ‘stupid’ ….. ‘ugly’ ….. ‘useless’ ….. can cause us to become those things. Jesus told a story about a merchant who sold all he had to purchase one pearl. He was talking about you! That’s how valuable you are to God! So if you need a label ….. make sure you pick the right one!
Achillea ptarmica.png

Hold Fast Without Wavering

Sue’s Views
The Bible says we are to ‘hold fast to our confession without wavering.’ We need to confess what God has said. If He said it ….. it doesn’t matter how things look! It will happen! Just like Abraham ….. who ‘hoped against all hope’ ….. we will see the promise fulfilled if we hold on without doubting.

His Story

Sue’s Views
There’s no doubt today is a big day in the history of the world’s future! The outcome of the US election will affect us all ….. but it’s not going to change God’s plan! He is not deterred by what the polls suggest ….. neither is he fooled by man’s dirty tactics. He already knows the outcome ….. and it won’t faze Him one bit! History is ‘His Story’. He was there in the beginning and He’ll be there at the end. Around 80% of the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled and the rest are still future. Those odds are pretty convincing so I have no doubt they will also be fulfilled. But we need to be on God’s team because things will get worse before they get better! The biggest problem in the world today is that we have turned our backs on God! We’ve allowed laws to be passed that go against His will and purpose. We have made God in our image instead letting Him mould us into His image. When we break His laws ….. we break ourselves! But it’s not too late to mend the broken pieces. Jesus is the only answer!

Look Up

Sue’s Views

I wonder how much of life we miss each day because we are focussed on what’s in front of us. Sure ….. life is busy and we have to get through our ‘to do’ list. But if we take some time to look up ….. we might find something wonderful that God wants us to experience. It might be something He wants to show us ….. or something He wants to say in a still, small voice. He may just want to remind us of His presence in the midst of our busyness.


Life’s Lessons

Sue’s Views
Well ….. this weekend went a little different to how I’d expected! I made a rash decision on Friday afternoon to do some baking for the weekend. There were a couple of ingredients I had run out of so I decided to go to the corner store. Grabbing my car keys I ran into the ranch slider ….. bounced backwards and landed on my back on the floor! I instantly felt pain and my wrist was a weird shape! My dear hubby heard me cry out and came running. He took me to A & E but we ended up at Middlemore Hospital. After a seven hour wait there I was taken to a bed. I was finally sent home next morning after 2 attempts to straighten the bones! 
Lessons learned? Don’t be in a hurry! Put some stickers on the ranch slider! There are plenty of people worse off than me! It’s amazing what you can do with one hand!

Mercy and Grace

Sue’s Views 
Two of the most precious gifts God offers us are mercy and grace. Mercy means that we don’t get the punishment we deserve because Jesus paid our debt for us. When we repent and receive His forgiveness ….. our slate is wiped clean! Grace means we get more than we deserve. More love ….. more  help ….. more miracles ….. more guidance. It’s interesting that both words are connected to thanksgiving ….. eg ‘Merci’ is French for ‘thank you’ ….. and ‘Grazie’ is Italian for ‘thank you’. Next time you receive mercy or grace ….. don’t forget to thank God! His grace and mercy never run out. They are new every morning!