Sue’s Views
2025 stretches before us like a blank canvas! I wonder what the picture will look like! No doubt there will be some unexpected challenges and some disappointments; but there will also be plenty of opportunities to know God more and to grow our faith. No matter what the year holds, I’m encouraged by Deut 11:11 
“The land you are about to enter is a land of hills and valleys….. A land the Lord your God cares for….the eyes of the Lord are always on it from the beginning of the year to the end.” 
That’s good enough for me! I can face anything knowing God is with me! And so can you! It will pass by fast so enjoy every moment! Blessings to all for 2025!!!!


Sue’s Views
To everything there is a season. Times of joy ….. times of sadness. New babies are born ….. and loved ones pass away. Successes ….. failures. Peace ….. war. As we look back over 2024 there will be memories to treasure ….. and things we’d rather forget. But through it all ….. God has been faithful. And He will continue to be in 2025 ….. because that’s who He is.

A Man Of His Word!

Sue’s Views 
One thing I know for sure is that God is a Man of His Word! When He says something ….. He means it! When He promises something ….. it will happen! But He will work it according to His timetable ….. His purpose ….. and His way. So don’t wear yourself out worrying about the ‘hows’ and ‘whens’. Your wildest imagination could not come anywhere near to His plans! Instead use this time to build your trust in the God who sees the end from the beginning ….. and every step in between! There can be peace and strength in the waiting!

Just Breathe!

Sue’s Views 
This is probably one of my favourite weeks of the year! My calendar is blank ….. my ‘to do’ list is empty ….. I’m continually asking ‘What day is it today?’ No deadlines ….. no agenda ….. just breathe! After a busy season ….. it’s not that easy to relax. We are so accustomed to time pressure. But this kind of ‘no man’s land’ is a great time to unwind from the year past and prepare for the year to come ….. which will no doubt bring its own challenges. Here are some thoughts to ponder: 1. What has been my greatest lesson from 2024? 2. What do I want to do differently in 2025? 3. How can I prepare for the unknown?

Our Hope And Our Saviour!

Sue’s Views
One of the things I love about the story of Christ’s birth ….. is that He came at a time when the world was in darkness. There had been no word from God for 400 years ….. and Israel was under a tyrannical King. There was much despair and hopelessness. No one knew the significance of that night ….. nor the impact a tiny baby would have. Things can change overnight! He is the Hope ….. and the Saviour! He came to deliver and set free the captives ….. to heal the sick and broken ….. and to redeem the sinner! Do you believe in Him?
‘The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.’ 2 Peter 3:9

All My Life …..

Sue’s Views
During our time of worship yesterday in Church we sang this song. I was overwhelmed as I thought about the reality of those words. As I look back on my 70 years on this earth ….. I can honestly declare them with absolute assurance. Even through the 22 years I didn’t give God a second thought ….. He was faithful. Even in the times I didn’t obey Him ….. He showed me nothing but grace and mercy. And when I didn’t think I needed His help ….. He stood back and allowed me to ‘do it  my way’ until I was sinking. During the hard times ….. He used them to teach me patience and trust. And of course ….. there have been many wonderful blessings along the way. Too many to count! The best part of my journey so far has been getting to know my God more and more intimately ….. and learning to see things through His perspective. The best is yet to come!

Designed To Be You

Sue’s Views
If you ever doubt how special you are ….. take a look at nature. Everything in nature shows design. No two flowers are the same.  If God took that much effort to make a flower ….. how much more amazing does that make you? Don’t compare yourself with anyone else! You were designed to be you!

2 Rules To Live By

Sue’s Views
The two most important rules to live by are to love God ….. and to love people! They are simple ….. but profound. You can’t have one without the other. When you put God first ….. He will fill your heart with compassion and love for others. As you treat others the way you would like to be treated ….. you will discover the heart of God.

Choose Love!

Sue’s Views
Emotions can be fickle things! They can change with the weather ….. they can be intense one moment and then subside the next. We sometimes refer to having a love/hate relationship with someone or something. In any relationship ….. we can find things we love and things we don’t love! But love is so much more that a feeling. It’s a choice! The next time you feel that icy ….. prickly feeling creeping over you ….. choose love!
Here’s some great advice from Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.”
I love how it says ‘If anything …..’! Sometimes we have to look really hard ….. but there is always something to love!

Stuck In The Mud?

Sue’s Views
Feeling ‘stuck in the mud?’ The water lily has a couple of secrets that we would do well to learn from. Firstly ….. they don’t allow themselves to go ‘under the circumstances’. They just let them roll off so they stay afloat. Secondly ….. they are anchored to the strong foundation from which they receive life giving oxygen. Great advice for us all!
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