Value Of Reading

Sue’s Views
As the school year comes to a close ….. parents face the challenge of what to do with their children. One of the best things we can do is to sit down and read with them. It involves time and presence …..which is what they need. It’s too easy to sit them in front of tv ….. or give them a tablet to amuse themselves while we ‘get on’. Half an hour of reading will calm them ….. and teach them to explore their own imagination. It won’t do you any harm either! Make it a focal point each day so they look forward to it!. Op shops are full of books at next to nothing and they can be swapped with other families.

Time Pressure

Sue’s Views 
One of the major causes of stress is time pressure. When we feel like we have too much to do ….. and too little time to do it! Eccles 3:1 says “There is ….. time for every purpose under heaven”. Ask yourself ….. “Is what I’m doing initiated by God ….. or is it because of other people’s expectations ….. or my inability to say ‘No!’ He is not obligated to bless the stuff He didn’t purpose! Food for thought!


Sue’s Views
Bridges connect places or people that would otherwise be separated. Whether it’s a river ….. highway ….. or railway track ….. a bridge can overcome isolation and gives access to what’s on the other side. Has something come between you and someone else? An offence maybe ….. or just lack of effort? Do you need to build a bridge? It may just be a text ….. phone call ….. or a card ….. but by reaching out from your side ….. you can bridge the gap between you. Friendships take a lot of work in our busy lifestyle but they are worth the effort.

In His Time!

Sue’s Views
‘To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven’. God sets the timetable and there’s nothing we can do to change it. Imagine if we were in control! Some of us would want to slow things down ….. while others would speed things up! It would be chaos! But God sees the bigger picture. He is never late ….. and never early. Your season will come at just the right time!

Visit Or Dwell?

Sue’s Views
Do you know that the God of the Universe wants to live with you? He wants to be part of your marriage ….. family ….. work ….. in fact everything you do. How does that make you feel? There’s a big difference between having someone visit and having someone move in permanently! We can be on our best behaviour for a limited time. We can clean the house ….. put the clutter in a cupboard and shut the door ….. speak nicely to those around us ….. during a visit. We can forego our selfish pleasures and give attention to the visitor when we know they will soon be leaving. But it’s a different story when they become part of your everyday life. The truth is ….. God already knows about the clutter in the cupboard. He knows about the guilty pleasures you indulge in. He hears the arguments that go on. And He still wants to live with you. He wants to be the very centre of your home. He will bring love peace and joy ….. wisdom and clarity ….. purpose and vision. So why not invite Him in? He is the best house keeper!

Let’s Celebrate!

Sue’s Views
It’s celebration season with graduations and end of year break ups. Some will receive certificates or trophies ….. the majority won’t. Most of us fall into the ‘average’ column! But whether you pass with honours ….. just scrape through ….. or even fail the exams ….. God sees you and has a plan for your life. Don’t let your school reports determine your future ….. and don’t let your awards ….. or lack of ….. determine your value or potential. Seek to be the best ‘you’ you can be ….. and ask God to show you how to fulfil His purpose for your life. Congratulations on finishing what has been a challenging year! You did great!

Summer Is Here!

Sue’s Views
Summer is here! It’s a season of school break ups ….. work dos ….. and shopping! But we don’t have to be stressed out. Jesus was born at a busy time ….. that’s why there was no room at the inn. But He was the Prince of Peace ….. and still is! We can be so busy that we don’t even know He’s among us. Keep Him at the centre of all you do ….. and have a safe and blessed summer!


Sue’s Views
Life has many challenges ….. not the least of which is other people’s expectations. Especially at this time of year ….. trying to please everyone will add to our stress. Not everyone is going to be pleased with us ….. we have to learn to live with that fact! We too must be careful not to put excessive expectations on others. Like the Apostle Paul said ….. ‘I have learned to be content ….. whether with much or with little’.


Sue’s Views
Each day when we wake up ….. we have a choice whether to be negative or positive. The way we start the day often determines how that day progresses. Instead of replaying past hurts in your head over and over ….. start by thanking God for all He has done ….. every blessing He has bestowed on you ….. focussing on the good things about that person or situation that makes you angry ….. and  committing your day to the Lord. I love this prayer from Joyce Meyer that goes something like ‘Dear Lord, I thank you for helping me through this day. So far I haven’t yelled at anyone ….. thought any bad thoughts ….. or messed up in any way ….. but in a moment I have to get out of bed ….. and that’s when I’m really going to need your help!’ Daily life presents us with many opportunities to be negative ….. but we can choose not to go there!

Entitlement Or Mercy?

Sue’s Views
One of the plagues of today’s society is a spirit of entitlement. A belief that we have rights ….. that we deserve certain privileges ….. a ‘they owe me’ attitude. The truth is that each new day is a mercy ….. something we are given that we don’t deserve. When we realise that the ability to breathe ….. our health ….. our job ….. and everything we have in this life is a gift that we haven’t earned ….. our hearts will be filled with thanksgiving. ‘Morning by morning new mercies I see!’ 