Amazing Life Giving Creation!

 Sue’s Views

These lush green leaves speak to me of life with their freshness and vibrancy. As we all learned in school ….. leaves are a vital part of our life cycle as they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen ….. a very necessary component for us to live. They absorb the gases that are harmful for us and turn them into something life giving. Next time you see a leaf ….. stop and thank God for His amazing creation!


Purposeful Design

Sue’s Views
Everywhere I look in nature ….. I see design. Our kids are being taught that it all just happened randomly. No wonder so many people have low self esteem ….. and feel like they were an ‘accident’. Accidents produce chaos and mess. Intentional ….. purposeful design ….. produces order, symmetry, balance and beauty. You are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ by a loving God and filled with potential and purpose! You will only be satisfied when you discover what that is!


Sue’s Views
Have you ever wondered what Eve was like? I mean before the dreaded ‘forbidded fruit’ incident? She would have been perfect …… right? But what does that mean? We know she was a perfect helper for Adam ….. and complimented him ….. no doubt she helped him in the garden and gathered food for them to eat. But what did she look like? Tall, short? Was she pear shaped ….. apple …… banana? Did she have straight hair ….. or curls? The Bible doesn’t tell us much, does it? Maybe it doesn’t matter! Maybe appearance isn’t as important to God as it is to us! Maybe her perfection was due to her being created by a perfect Father, with whom she had such a close relationship ….. that she was a reflection of Him? And that’s how He sees all of us, my sisters! You are perfectly beautiful!

Draw On God’s Strength

Sue’s Views
We all have days when we feel fragile whether it’s physical ….. emotional ….. or mental. Those are the times we are most susceptible to temptation. That’s when we need to draw on Gods strength ….. not our own! If that’s you today ….. here’s a word from the Lord for you.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
2 Corinthians 12:10

Challenging Relationships

Sue’s Views 
Do you have a ‘challenging’ relationship in your life? Someone who ‘rubs you up the wrong way’ ….. or brings out the ‘worst’ in you? No doubt they are there for a reason. Either to rub a few rough edges off you? ….. or for you to help smooth some off them. Either way ….. my advice is to yield to the process. Running away from it only means there will be a bigger ‘brick’ waiting for you further down the track!

You Can Do This!

Sue’s Views
According to the NLT version of 1 Corinthians 13 ….. ‘Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.’ Wow! That is a tall order! Note the words ‘never’ ….. ‘always’ ….. and ‘every’! That doesn’t leave much room for exceptions does it? But that is how God loves us! And if He requires that kind of love from us ….. you can be sure He will enable us to do it. In fact it’s His love flowing through us! So whatever challenge you have had to endure ….. choose to keep loving. You can do this!


Sue’s Views
I had my first outing with Miss ‘almost 1 year old’ yesterday. Her favourite part was climbing ‘up’ the slide! It’s amazing how children are born with an inquisitive need for adventure. “Going down the slide was ok but climbing up looks like more fun!” You provide lots of colourful and musical toys ….. but they are more interested in the tv remote! I guess God designed us all with a desire to reach our full potential. Thanks Kiara for the reminder to keep growing and reaching higher ….. even at my age!

‘To Do List’

Sue’s Views
Some days the ‘to do’ list is so overwhelming ….. you don’t know where to start. At times like that it’s easy to bury your head in the sand and not get anything done. I once heard a good piece of advice that has helped me through such times. Write down the three most important things and tackle those. Chances are ….. you’ll feel so good about what you’ve accomplished that you’ll want to continue. But if not, at least you’ve made progress and you can do another three tomorrow!

Shades Of Green

Sue’s Views
Life is a lot like this picture. There are a few things that stand out ….. but the majority is made up of varying shades of green. Your life may not look very exciting ….. days of the same old routine ….. not much excitement ….. bo … ring! But every one of those meals you prepare ….. taxi runs to and from school ….. times you clean the house ….. go to work ….. or whatever you do daily ….. are significant bits of an overall beautiful picture!

Weathering Life’s Storms

Sue’s View
Our ability to weather the storms of life is a lot like these trees. 1) They are planted by water so they are constantly hydrated and refreshed. 2) They have deep roots that keep them stable. 3) They are surrounded by others that help to protect them. We can learn a lot from nature!