Sue’s Views
Another faithful servant of the Lord has gone home! As very young Christians ….. Frank and I read the book God’s Smuggler. It’s the story of how this man ….. known as Brother Andrew ….. smuggled Bibles into Communist countries. He would roll up to the border with a boot full of Bibles and pray, ‘Lord, I know You can make blind eyes see ….. but I ask you now to make seeing eyes blind!’ The guards would open the boot and rummage through without seeing the Bibles! Through his faith and dedication ….. thousands were able to own and read the Word of God! They valued it so much that they would rip out pages to share with others! It inspired us to get involved with the Open Doors Ministry. I’m sure there will be multitudes in Heaven who will welcome him and say, ‘I’m here because of you!’ Well done, good and faithful servant!