Reclaim Your Territory!

Sue’s Views
Abraham was a man whom God chose to start a family that would become God’s chosen family which we know as Israel. God chose him because he was a man of great faith ….. but great faith is greatly tested! Before he even had a son ….. God promised him many descendants ….. but there were many obstacles in the way. At one point on his journey ….. God told him to walk on the land God would give him. 
‘Go and walk through the land in every direction, for I am giving it to you.’ Genesis 13:17
Later ….. God told Joshua ….. one of Abraham’s descendants  ….. to do the same. 
‘I will give you every place where you set your foot’ Joshua 1:3
These men obeyed God and claimed the territory that He had promised to them and their descendants.
What territory do you need to claim? What has the devil stolen from you? A child who has lost their way? The health of yourself or a loved one? Your marriage? Your financial well being? Your home? Whatever it is ….. you need to start walking! Not necessarily physically ….. but spiritually and mentally. See yourself tramping on the enemy and claiming back what is rightfully yours! 
Dear Lord, Thank You for your promises to me and my family. Right now ….. in the Name of Jesus ….. I take authority over all the works of the enemy. I claim back all that he has stolen from us. Give us wisdom for the future. Amen