Sue’s Views
Well ….. this weekend went a little different to how I’d expected! I made a rash decision on Friday afternoon to do some baking for the weekend. There were a couple of ingredients I had run out of so I decided to go to the corner store. Grabbing my car keys I ran into the ranch slider ….. bounced backwards and landed on my back on the floor! I instantly felt pain and my wrist was a weird shape! My dear hubby heard me cry out and came running. He took me to A & E but we ended up at Middlemore Hospital. After a seven hour wait there I was taken to a bed. I was finally sent home next morning after 2 attempts to straighten the bones!
Lessons learned? Don’t be in a hurry! Put some stickers on the ranch slider! There are plenty of people worse off than me! It’s amazing what you can do with one hand!