Sue’s Views
I had a wonderful surprise while out with a group of friends from Church on Saturday. We visited the Maritime Museum in Auckland City. To my amazement ….. we came across this photo of the very ship my parents and I came to NZ on in 1966 ….. the RMS Rangitane. It brought back many poignant memories of that trip. Saying our goodbyes at the wharf ….. days of seasickness ….. followed by much smoother sailing ….. crossing the equator ….. Christmas on board ….. followed by New Year celebrations ….. and finally arriving in Wellington and the first glimpse of our new homeland. As a 12 year old it was a little overwhelming but I am grateful for my Dad’s courage and foresight in bringing us here. That decision set off a whole lot of other decisions that have brought me to where I am today. I can definitely see God’s hand in it all even before I knew Him! Maybe your story is similar?