
Exploring faith and life
Fear of what might happen is one of the devil’s most powerful weapons! With so many tragedies happening around us ….. it’s easy to fall for his tactics. The antidote for fear is ‘faith’! Peter the disciple was able to walk on water during a storm when he kept his eyes on Jesus ….. but the moment he looked at the waves ….. he started to go under. Jesus caught him and said, ‘You of little faith! Why did you doubt?’ Jesus is the same yesterday ….. today ….. and forevermore. Yes ….. there will be more storms! But the same Jesus will be there to walk you through it ….. and to catch you if your faith weakens. The way forward is to focus on His power over the circumstances ….. not the circumstances themselves!
These lush green leaves speak to me of life with their freshness and vibrancy. As we all learned in school ….. leaves are a vital part of our life cycle as they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen ….. a very necessary component for us to live. They absorb the gases that are harmful for us and turn them into something life giving. Next time you see a leaf ….. stop and thank God for His amazing creation!