
Sue’s Viiews
Despite the bad things that are happening in our world ….. there is still so much beauty. It’s easy to allow sadness ….. pain ….. anger ….. fear ….. to dominate our vision. Whatever we focus on becomes clearer. If we focus on the negatives ….. they become the things that stand out in our memory. No matter how many good things happened ….. they will blur in the background. But we can turn that around! No matter how many bad things happen ….. if we focus on something beautiful and good ….. the bad stuff will blur in the background. One way to make this work for you is to stop and thank God for the beauty or goodness you find. It helps to establish it in your mind and memory!
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

A Reminder

Sue’s Views
I wrote this several years ago but I think it’s worth repeating! 
Are you wondering what’s going wrong with the world? I can tell you in a simple sentence! We have not followed the instruction manual! I’ve been guilty of opening a new appliance ….. ignoring the manual thinking ‘It’s a toaster! How hard can it be?’ ….. and using it according to my limited knowledge based on my past experience with toasters! That means I didn’t get the best out of this toaster. I failed to respect its manufacturer. I deprived myself and my family of perfect toast! In a nutshell ….. we have not read the Designer’s Manual. If we have ….. we’ve only followed the bits we like. We’ve made up our own rules. We’ve allowed our governments to remove the Bible from schools ….. Parliaments ….. and Justice Systems. We’ve let them pass laws that are abhorrent to God and God’s people. We’ve made a God in our image who loves us no matter what we do. Most manuals have a section called ‘troubleshooting’. It tells you where you’ve gone wrong. I think it’s time to do some troubleshooting!


Sue’s Views

There’s no doubt we all need wisdom to live in today’s society. There is a lot of foolishness out there ….. and if we’re not careful ….. we can easily get caught up in it. Listen to these words from Proverbs 4:10-13. ‘ My child, listen to me and do as I say, and you will have a long, good life. I will teach you wisdom’s ways and lead you in straight paths. When you walk, you won’t be held back; when you run, you won’t stumble. Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.’


Divine Healing

Sues Views
Walking with God means……trusting Him for healing! In Revelation 22 ….. we read ….. “on each side of the river grew a tree of life ….. the leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations” Jesus took all our infirmities to the Cross and “by His stripes we were healed”!  Let’s combine our faith for all our brothers and sisters who are not feeling well ….. If you are sick today, my prayer for you is that you would experience divine healing in the name of Jesus!

Hold God’s Hand!

Sue’s Views
Not sure what lies ahead? Take one step at a time! If the path seems  unfamiliar and a little scary ….. it takes faith to go forward. But it’s faith in Someone who knows the path and sees where it leads. It may be one of those legs of the journey that you will look back on one day ….. and it will all make perfect sense.  Hold onto the hand that is guiding you.

He’s All We Need

Sue’s Views

When you feel like everything has been stripped away ….. and you are down to the bare essentials ….. you will find that the bare essentials are enough! One of my favourite verses in the Bible says, “Once I was young but now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken or their children begging for bread.” He is everything you’ll ever need!


‘I Am!’

Sue’s Views
Whatever season you are in ….. God is there! When Moses asked God ‘What is your name?’ ….. God answered ‘I Am!’ Not ‘I was’ ….. or ‘I will be’! He is God of the past ….. present ….. and future. When you are troubled by past memories or regrets ….. He says ‘I am your healer ….. forgiver ….. and reconciler.’ When you are struggling with your present situation ….. He says ‘I am your helper ….. provider ….. and wisdom.’ When you are anxious about your future ….. He says ‘I am your peace ….. protector ….. and guide.’ This pic portrays 3 seasons in one. Autumn leaves ….. winter trees ….. and spring flowers. He is the God of yesterday ….. today ….. and ever more!

Warning Signs!

Sue’s Views
I wonder how often we ignore the warning signs ….. and then blame God when we get into trouble? He has clearly told us how to live. Even if you don’t own a Bible ….. He has written it on your heart! We all know right from wrong. He also spelled out the consequences of disobedience. What an amazing Dad! He’s for you ….. not against you. He wants you to be blessed ….. not cursed! It’s not too late to turn around and do life His way!

How Are Your Stress Levels?

Sue’s Views

How are your stress levels? As any athlete will tell you ….. stress is their friend! It’s what makes them strong and able to compete against the best. But too much stress can cause bones and ligaments to fracture. The pressures of life have the same effect. The right amount of pressure keeps the wheel turning. Without it ….. we would become idle and lazy. It might feel good to live in comfort and ease ….. but we would soon stagnate and become useless. See your pressure points as opportunities to grow. But there must be balance. If stress is compromising your health ….. it’s time to seek help. Do you need to say ‘no’ more often? Is there a conversation that needs to be had? Are you being driven by expectations of others? Some thoughts to mull over and pray about!


Sue’s Views
After several weeks of moving and setting up house ….. it was so good to get back to the Gardens yesterday. There were lots of surprises awaiting ….. signs of spring and tūīs enjoying every moment. I realised that life goes on whether I’m there or not! Life can be demanding at times ….. that’s why we need some balance. Half an hour in nature will bring you back to reality and remind you that ….. no matter what is happening around us ….. God is still on the throne!