Exploring faith and life
My theme song at this time of year is ‘One day at a time’! And sometimes even ‘One step at a time’! Jesus warned his disciples not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough to focus on. Much of our stress and anxiety is based on stuff that hasn’t happened yet ….. and may never happen! Have you noticed how the media sensationalises things to make you feel like you are living through something that hasn’t happened yet? Our minds and bodies can’t cope with that. We must learn to live in the present ….. and do life in bite sized pieces! Reading back through my journal ….. I can see that much of what I feared never happened ….. or help came just when I needed it! Commit each day to the Lord and He will determine the outcome!
For the last few years we have started a new tradition in our family ….. an annual Thanksgiving Dinner. Everyone shares what they are thankful for before we eat including the littlies! Then after the dinner we made a Thanksgiving Tree. The children decorated and wrote on the ‘leaves’ what everyone was thankful for. It’s amazing how much comes to mind once you start. In a season that has become materialistic and one of entitlement ….. hopefully we can bring a balance.
While we are still in the Thanksgiving season ….. I want to say a huge Thank You to all my friends on Facebook for your friendship and support over the years. Some of you I see often ….. others live on the other side of the world ….. but somehow our lives have crossed ….. and you have impacted my life. That’s one thing I love about FB ….. it connects people! I’ve posted a picture of a yellow rose which represents friendship! Wherever you are ….. may the Lord bless you and keep you ….. make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you ….. turn His face toward you ….. and give you peace!
Today is Thanksgiving Day ….. so a good time to focus on the things we are grateful for. 2020 has had its share of disappointments ….. tragedies ….. and low points. But these make the highlights shine even brighter. For me this year ….. it’s been the little things. Seeing family again after lockdown ….. being able to go back to church ….. daily walks and saying hi to complete strangers ….. a new baby born into our tribe! I’m very thankful to God for bringing my family through unscathed. Hopefully ….. 2020 is a year we will remember not for COVID ….. but for making us all more appreciative!
The Bible warns us about the ‘root of bitterness’. Our lives are like trees. They start from a seed that sprouts roots that hold it securely in the ground. With healthy roots ….. the tree will grow and produce healthy fruit. But if we allow things like unforgiveness ….. resentment ….. anger into our hearts ….. the roots can turn bitter. These roots entangle our thinking and slowly poison the good fruit. The key is to let go of resentment by forgiving those who have hurt us ….. and by letting God deal with them. In that way ….. you will get better ….. not bitter!
All good things come to an end ….. and our little holiday at the beach ends today! It has been a profitable time. Apart from relaxing and walks on the beach ….. it has been like pushing a ‘reset’ button. Just like our devices collect stuff over time that takes up space in their memory ….. we too need a clear out every so often. So with a clearer mind ….. and better focus ….. we return to the battlefield of life knowing that ….. one day ….. we will enjoy a ‘very good thing’ that will never end!
This guy has been visiting us the last couple of days! I found him when I went outside to investigate another smaller bird’s frantic chirping. There he was just sitting calmly while the other bird was flitting around and obviously upset that his territory had been invaded! It’s often the minority that make the most noise!