
Sue’s Views
It’s not easy to find peace and quiet these days ….. but it’s something we all crave deep down. It’s not just about the absence of noise and activity ….. but the presence of the Prince of Peace. He is present in the middle of a storm ….. in a busy shopping mall ….. in heavy traffic ….. and in the turmoil of everyday life. We can’t always escape these ….. but we can always find Hiim and receive His peace. When life gets a bit frantic ….. and emotions become a roller coaster ….. remember He is right there! May you know His shalom today!

Brain Power

Sue’s Views
Did you know that the human brain is the one organ that keeps developing throughout your life? You have the potential to keep learning ….. and to change the way you think no matter how old you are. We say things like ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ ….. but that’s more about us becoming set in our ways and not wanting to change. The truth is ….. there are new ideas waiting to be discovered inside of you. You just have to be willing to explore them. I wonder how many God given plans go undiscovered because we think we are too old ….. or we can’t be bothered. Food for thought! Happy Monday everyone ❤️

A New Zealand God Can Bless

Sue’s Views
Tomorrow our new government will be decided. In case you haven’t already voted ….. I want to remind us all of the laws God gave His people as a foundation to a blessed nation. Whether or not you are a practicing Christian ….. most would agree these are reasonable laws based on respect. Before you make your decision compare them to the laws being considered and passed today. God’s laws are known as the Ten Commandments ….. not the ten suggestions! That’s because He knows the consequences of not keeping them. He said if we obey them we will be blessed. If we disobey them we will be under a curse. Do you see any connection between what’s happening in the world today ….. and the laws being passed? The only way forward is to return to the original plan. Let’s pray for a New Zealand that God can bless!

Cry Me a River

Sue’s Views
This tree is known as a ‘weeping willow’. They usually grow alongside a river bank and ….. according to Wikipedia ….. they are all females! That accounts for much! But male or female ….. we all feel sad at times. Tears are the overflow of pent up emotion and they are precious to God. In fact He collects our tears in a bottle. That tells me that we shouldn’t waste our sorrows. They help us to grow stronger and make us more understanding of others. The shortest verse in the Bible says ‘Jesus wept’. His tears were for his friends who were grieving ….. but mostly for the unbelief of mankind. He can identify with our sadness. He can also turn our mourning into dancing ….. and our sorrows into joy!

Lessons from a forest

Sue’s Views
I love how these trees grow so tall and straight ….. and respect each other’s space. Friendship is like that! It’s allowing someone to be who they are while standing alongside in support. It’s about letting them know you are there without invading their territory. And it’s about setting an example ….. being a person of integrity ….. even when they may go astray. So many lessons from a forest!


Sue’s Views
Whenever I feel a bit down I try to go for a walk in our local Botanical Gardens. It always does the trick. Whatever problem I’m facing I am able to see in perspective. The vastness ….. and often minuteness ….. of God’s creation; the diversity and variety of colour and shape; the care with which everything is designed ….. reminds me that God is in control and is never fazed by anything. He is the same ….. yesterday ….. today ….. and forevermore!


Sue’s Views
Our grandchildren are precious for many reasons ….. not the least being that they continue our legacy. We all have our weaknesses ….. our failings ….. our regrets even ….. but through our grandies we have hope! It’s a bit like a relay race. We run our leg the best we can and then hand the baton over to our children to run theirs. They then hand it on to their children. We see each generation run further and do better that we did. Time spent with our grandchildren is one of the best investments we could ever make!
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Time to Choose Wisely

Sue’s Views
Only one week to go till our elections. If you are anything like me you may be still deliberating! And that’s ok because your vote is very important. Here are a few points to ponder: take time to think about the kind of world you want your children to grow up in? ….. which party best reflects your values? ….. who shows the most respect for life? ….. who will most empower you as a parent to raise your children as you choose to? Choose wisely and prayerfully. God is still in control!

Pick Your Battles

Sue’s Views
Let’s face it ….. we are in a battle! There are battles going on over who will win the election ….. who will discover the best vaccine ….. which country will open their borders. We all have our opinions ….. but we need to pick our battles. Try as we might we don’t have all the information ….. and we can easily jump on a bandwagon not knowing where it’s going. Behind it all there is a spiritual battle ….. and it can only be fought successfully with spiritual weapons! We have a shield to protect us from the enemy’s attacks and a sword with which to attack the enemy. Our shield is our faith in God who protects us from unseen attacks. Our sword is God’s Word which is more powerful than any double edged sword. Armed with these ….. we can be assured that we are fighting on the winning side!

God is For Us

Sue’s Views
This pretty little bird landed on the path right in front of me and stopped me in my tracks. In that moment ….. that tiny little creature spoke volumes to me. If God could make and care for something so beautiful ….. why do I need to worry or be anxious about anything? After all ….. the Bible tells me He cares for me even more than the little bird. Yes ….. there are enemies out there that hate me and want to devour me. But if God is for me ….. who can be against me? If God is on my side ….. of whom shall I be afraid?