
Sue’s Views
Feel like you have a mountain to climb? Have you been given a task that seems impossible? Or are you carrying a burden that is too heavy? I just want to encourage you that you are only seeing one side of that mountain. Abraham was given such a task when God told him to sacrifice his only son on Mount Moriah. Can you imagine the arduous climb he had to make? But what he didn’t know was ….. that with each step he took ….. God was leading a ram up the other side of the mountain ….. to get tangled in a thorn bush at the same time Abraham was about to kill Isaac. And God has a ‘ram’ for your situation as well! We can’t see the whole picture ….. but we must trust the One who can!


Sue’s Views
Are you getting enough rest? In our busy world ….. it’s not easy to switch off and do nothing. God rested on the seventh day. What makes us think we don’t need to? Ps 23 says ‘The Lord makes me lie down in green pastures’. Does He have to make you rest? Rest isn’t just about sleeping. It’s about giving your mind as well as your body a break. Out of the word ‘rest’ comes the word ‘restoration’. Just like a computer needs to be refreshed every so often ….. so our brains need to clean out all the information stored there. For you ….. it may mean going for a walk. It may mean lying horizontal for half an hour. It may mean going to bed earlier. It has been proven that the hours of rest before midnight are more restorative than the hours after midnight. That reminds me! It’s daylight saving this Saturday night (NZ time)

You Belong!

Sue’s Views
How’s your self esteem? If it’s high you are most likely confident ….. and other people’s opinions don’t bother you much. But if it’s low ….. you may try to ‘blend in’ and bend over backwards to please people. If that’s you ….. know this ….. you are a masterpiece ….. planned ….. designed ….. and lovingly crafted by the Master Craftsman. You belong and you make a difference!

It’s Not Over!

Sue’s Views
Are you feeling empty and dry? Merely existing? That’s a perfect scenario for God to pour in His life giving Spirit. You only have to ask Him. He longs to fill your emptiness with His fullness. Your despair and discouragement with His promise and hope. Your death with His life. It’s not over!


Sue’s Views
One of the most powerful things we can do for someone is to pray for them. In prayer ….. we can carry people to God’s throne ….. and lift them up before His presence. We can build a bridge between their circumstances and God’s never ending supply and wisdom. It’s called ‘intercession’ and it means to ‘stand in the gap’! Are you willing to do that for someone today?

Completely Covered

Sue’s Views
Does it feel like you are hanging on by your fingernails? When life turns your world upside down ….. know this ….. God is underneath you ready to catch you if you fall. He is above you to protect you from the vultures ….. beside you to protect you from those curve balls that come out of nowhere ….. and He’s in you giving you strength and wisdom to help you fight the inner battles. I’d say He’s got you completely covered!


Sue’s Views
Been through a ‘storm’ and feeling a little ‘shipwrecked’? The thing about storms is they come out of nowhere and catch us off guard. But if we hold on tightly ….. the tide will carry us to a place we may have never gone to ….. had it not been for the storm. A place of new opportunities ….. new strength ….. and a new assurance. Hang on to the life saver ….. Jesus!

Don’t Worry About Tomorrow!

Sue’s Views
Just sitting here reflecting on the past week ….. and how good God is! This time last week ….. I was feeling anxious about what was ahead. I’m one of those people who try to plan for every possible scenario. The problem is ….. God doesn’t usually fit into any of them! He has His own plan ….. and it’s always perfect. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow. Just take it one day at a time! Most of the things we worry about never actually happen ….. and if they do ….. we discover that we are able to cope with far more than we thought we could. Have a blessed week everyone!

Wait For God’s Timing

Sue’s Views
Trying to hear from God ….. but not getting a clear answer? It could be a matter of timing! Just as things look sharper when the sun is overhead ….. God may be saying ….. “Wait!” If we move before His timing ….. we could trip ….. or be deceived by shadows. His timing is perfect!

Hold Fast Without Waveriing

Sue’s Views
I remember my parents ….. as they approached their 80s ….. saying ‘ We don’t feel like we belong in this world anymore!’ This is a couple who lived through WWII and the Great Depression ….. and yet they felt like strangers in a world of increasing technology and declining morality.
We can all feel like that at times. As though the world has turned upside down and is unrecognisable. But you may be the only one that is the right way up in someone else’s ‘upside down’ world! Don’t lose heart ….. and don’t feel like you have to change to suit what feels like the majority. This world needs people who are founded and rooted in truth. Who have stood firm through the challenges life brings. Hold fast to what you know to be true without wavering!