A New Way Of Thinking

Sue’s Views
Are you struggling with temptation or wrong thinking? Take it to the Lord in prayer. The hardest part is often facing it and acknowledging it. Once you do ….. God will show you where the door was opened for the enemy to come in and do his damage. But He won’t leave you there! He will reveal to you His power and authority over the lies of the devil ….. and replace them with truth. He will lead you to repent of your wrong doing and forgive those who have hurt you. Then ….. instead of turning to things that temporarily numb the pain ….. He will give you a new way of thinking. Instead of the cycle you’ve been accustomed to ….. you will find yourself on a new pathway to freedom. It all starts with a decision to say ‘No’ to the devil ….. and ‘Yes’ to God!

A New View!

Sue’s Views
I woke up to a new view this morning! One of the things I thought I would miss most about our old home was the view. It really was awesome!. But this one is equally as inspiring. I love watching birds flying and landing on the power lines ….. and cars going by! Today ….. I have the added thrill of hearing rain on a tin roof! Crazy I know ….. but sometimes it’s the little things that bring joy!


Moving house has been a great lesson on ‘putting off the old’ and ‘putting on the new’. There are certain challenges ….. like disorientation for example. Things are not where they used to be! I keep opening the wrong door ….. or forgetting where I put things! (OK! That might just be due to my age) But the familiarity of the past has gone. Then there’s new appliances to get used to. The new ones are more technical and require more studying. But on the positive side ….. this experience is breaking me out of my rut! We so easily slip into our comfort zone. We get upset if something is missing or out of place. We settle for the familiar and don’t try the new. You don’t have to move house to break the monotony. Try a new recipe ….. rearrange your furniture ….. join an art class! It’s been said that the only thing we can be sure of is change. We’d better get used to it because there is a lot of it coming our way!


Jehovah Jireh

Sue’s Views
Did you know that God thought of you before the world was created? In fact He created the world ….. and everything in it ….. so you and I would have a place to live and enjoy! That means He provided everything we would ever need to live a productive and healthy life. He provided food to eat ….. medicine when our bodies get out of balance ….. work so we could reproduce crops. He also gave us wisdom and creativity to make new things out of what He created. He is ….. and always will be our Jehoveh Jireh ….. our provider. We don’t need to fear the future. He is already there!

Seeking God’s Will

Sue’s Views
I’ve been reading this morning about how Jesus’ objective was to always do the will of His Father. He was able to see people and situations as God does ….. and was therefore able to make wise and right judgements. Imagine if we all lived like that! If ….. instead of judging one another according to what we see or hear ….. we sought God’s knowledge and understanding of that person. Jesus depended on God and always addressed the root of the problem. That’s my desire! To hear the Father’s voice above all others!
“I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” (John 5:30 NASB)


Sue’s Views
When Paul said ‘I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength’ ….. he was referring to the state of his finances. He was saying I’ve learned to be content whether I’m abounding in wealth …..or scraping the bottom of the barrel! Contentment is a wonderful state of mind that believes happiness doesn’t depend on what we have ….. where we are ….. or who we are with. It’s a deep satisfaction that God is in control and I’m in His loving hands!

Be A Finisher

Sue’s Views
If you’re anything like me ….. you love starting new projects ….. whether it’s a craft ….. an exercise regime ….. a healthy eating plan ….. but a couple of weeks into it ….. the novelty wears off and it loses it’s appeal. I’m so glad Jesus didn’t feel that way about me! If He hadn’t completed what He set out to do ….. where would that leave me ….. and you? That’s enough inspiration to see things through to the end! Let’s be good finishers!

Something Missing?

Sue’s Views
Does it feel like something is missing? These guys don’t seem too worried about their missing teeth! In fact they are proud because they know it means they are growing up! Life is full of losses ….. but out of losses come new growth ….. new opportunities ….. and new beginnings. Just dont forget to look after the ‘new’ ones. They have to last a long time!

The Fruitful Season

Sue’s Views
These trees may look lifeless and not very attractive ….. but you wait a few more weeks and you’ll be amazed by their abundant life and beauty! There are seasons in life when we feel dry ….. when not much seems to be happening. But so much is happening on the inside! In fact ….. you could say this is the most fruitful season. It’s when the fruit is being produced. You can’t see it yet ….. but it’s coming!

Half Time

Sue’s Views
How’s your year going? The first half is over ….. and today ….. the second half begins. Rugby is known as ‘a game of two halves’. No matter how well the first half goes ….. the game is won or lost in the second half. The losing team has two choices! They can give up because they are so far behind ….. or they can see half time as a new start. They can regather their team and look at where they have gone wrong ….. and they can change tactics and determine to win the game. Wherever you are in the game of life ….. it’s not over till the final whistle blows!