It’s Gonna Be Ok!

Sue’s Views
Change is taking place as we go from one season to another. It’s often said that the one thing we can be sure of is ‘change’! It affects us in different ways. You either love it or you hate it. Sometimes ….. we initiate the change. But many times others do ….. and we feel powerless and have no say. All we can do at times like that ….. is to trust God with the situation. If you are at the mercy of someone else’s decision ….. know that God understands how you feel. He has already factored it into His plan for your life. It’s gonna be ok!

God Is An Artist

Sue’s Views 
Stunning view from my window this morning! Sunrises and sunsets have inspired artists down through the ages. But I reckon God is the Artist of all artists. His masterpiece is constantly changing! It’s a living work of art ….. and it’s new every morning, reminding us that He is in Control!


Sue’s Views
Well ….. here we are in April ….. which means we are one quarter of the way through the year! Time is such a valuable commodity. I looked back at my journal to see how I’d spent the year so far. Much of it has been the mundane ….. everyday ….. norm ….. things we don’t bother to record. It can seem sometimes like we haven’t accomplished much. But things like work ….. family ….. friends ….. and even time for ourselves ….. are investments that will earn interest later. So ….. ask God to guide you each day ….. and keep on investing in Heaven!

You Were On His Mind!

Sue’s Views
Walking with God means learning to think about others! Even with a heavy heart, Jesus was still ministering to people and giving of Himself all the way to the Cross. Even on the Cross……He gave salvation to the thief next to Him ….. and then He gave His life and guess who was on His mind in those final moments ….. You were!

Walking With Jesus

Sue’s Views
Walking with God means persevering even when you feel like giving up. Every step Jesus took toward Jerusalem was a painful one but He endured it because ….. on the other side ….. He saw you and me being reconciled with the Father. The joy in that far outweighed His pain! Are you facing a challenge today? Not sure what lies ahead? He has already walked the path. Try walking it with Him!

The Old and The New!

Sue’s Views 
In the midst of a rapidly developing and constantly changing world ….. there are reminders that we are part of something that is ancient ….. established ….. trustworthy. Like the Word of God! There are so many philosophies …..beliefs ….. alternative ideas floating around out there ….. but none of them have stood the test of time like the Bible! You can absolutely trust it! It has always been and will always be the Truth!


Sue’s Views 
Tunnels are amazing feats of engineering! They allow us to travel through what once was rock ….. and get to our destination faster. The downside is you have to put up with that claustrophobic feeling! You can’t see anything but the walls! In many cases, you have to pay for the privelege! Much of life is a tunnel experience ….. days of the same old ….. waiting and hoping for something to happen ….. and then ….. suddenly you see a glimmer of hope that gets brighter and brighter! If you are in a tunnel ….. know that ‘this, too, shall pass.’ 

Ascribe Greatness To Our God, The Rock!

Sue’s Views
Some of the best hymns have been written in the darkest or most difficult times. Songs like ‘Amazing Grace’ ….. and ‘It is well with my soul’ ….. were born out of times of tragedy and loss. One I love is ‘Ascribe Greatness to our God, the Rock.’ It was written by Moses at the end of his life. His very difficult life had taught Him that God was faithful, just and always did what was right. To Moses ….. God was the Rock that held him and gave him strength. If you are going through a season where it feels like you are hanging on by your fingernails ….. let go! Because God ….. the Rock ….. has got you!

Renewed Daily!

Sue’s Views
This tree reminds me that ‘though our outward man is dying ….. our inward man is being renewed.’ We are so much more than our bodies. They are the means through which we relate to the world around us. But inside ….. they carry our soul (our mind, will and emotions) ….. and our spirit ( the place where God dwells). This is the part that ….. when yielded to God ….. is renewed daily. It then dictates to our minds and bodies to get in line! We are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Essex Girl

Sue’s Views
I’ve been reminiscing this morning about my life’s journey so far. I’m what’s commonly called ‘an Essex Girl’! I left there when I was six ….. so I didn’t understand what that term implied. Apparently ‘Essex Girls’ are brash ….. unintelligent ….. promiscuous ….. and devoid of taste! I’m so glad I didn’t know that! I’m thankful for the path God has led me on ….. but to all the other ‘Essex Girls’ or whatever you’ve been labelled ….. know this ….. you are made in God’s image ….. and He don’t make no junk! Let’s make being an Essex Girl a thing to be proud of!