
Sue’s Views
I had my first outing with Miss ‘almost 1 year old’ yesterday. Her favourite part was climbing ‘up’ the slide! It’s amazing how children are born with an inquisitive need for adventure. “Going down the slide was ok but climbing up looks like more fun!” You provide lots of colourful and musical toys ….. but they are more interested in the tv remote! I guess God designed us all with a desire to reach our full potential. Thanks Kiara for the reminder to keep growing and reaching higher ….. even at my age!

‘To Do List’

Sue’s Views
Some days the ‘to do’ list is so overwhelming ….. you don’t know where to start. At times like that it’s easy to bury your head in the sand and not get anything done. I once heard a good piece of advice that has helped me through such times. Write down the three most important things and tackle those. Chances are ….. you’ll feel so good about what you’ve accomplished that you’ll want to continue. But if not, at least you’ve made progress and you can do another three tomorrow!

Shades Of Green

Sue’s Views
Life is a lot like this picture. There are a few things that stand out ….. but the majority is made up of varying shades of green. Your life may not look very exciting ….. days of the same old routine ….. not much excitement ….. bo … ring! But every one of those meals you prepare ….. taxi runs to and from school ….. times you clean the house ….. go to work ….. or whatever you do daily ….. are significant bits of an overall beautiful picture!

Weathering Life’s Storms

Sue’s View
Our ability to weather the storms of life is a lot like these trees. 1) They are planted by water so they are constantly hydrated and refreshed. 2) They have deep roots that keep them stable. 3) They are surrounded by others that help to protect them. We can learn a lot from nature!

The 2 Most Important Phrases

Sue’s Views
If you want to live a blessed life ….. There are 2 phrases you must learn to say freely. 1. ‘I’m sorry’! 2. ‘I forgive you’! Without these 2 ingredients ….. you will not grow and develop as God intended. Instead, you will be weighed down by guilt and resentment. Don’t allow stubbornness or pride to hold you back.

The Climb

Sue’s Views
Life is full of challenges! It seems that just when you are enjoying a break from the last one ….. another one looms up. A situation that takes you out of your comfort zone ….. a commitment you have to meet when you’d rather stay home ….. or something you are afraid of failing in.  Being comfortable ….. staying home ….. and playing it safe might look tempting ….. but it won’t grow you or develop you. So accept that challenge! Meet that commitment! Face that fear! You’ll be glad you did! As the song goes ….. It’s the Climb!

The Real Battle

Sue’s Views
As things becomes more and more volatile around the world ….. let’s remember what the battle is really about. 
‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’ Ephesians 6:12
The battle began when Lucifer wanted to be God. He wasn’t content with being the leading angel. He wanted to be the boss! He used deception and coercion to influence other angels and humans ….. and so the battle has raged ever since. It’s a spiritual battle and can only be fought with spiritual weapons. Prayer ….. declaring God’s Word ….. taking our authority in Jesus Name ….. and living in obedience to God ….. are some of these weapons that are ‘mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds.’ 
No amount of talking ….. arguing ….. or fighting will do it. Let’s unite against the real enemy!


Sue’s Views
I love that roses are beautiful at any stage of life. From the cuteness of the rose buds ….. the fullness of the open bloom ….. through to the quaintness of the mature flower. Every stage of life has its beauty and purpose. Don’t live for yesterday ….. or tomorrow. Celebrate and enjoy where you are right now!


Sue’s Views
As we celebrate Waitangi Day ….. I want to say how grateful I am to this ‘Land of the Long White Cloud’ for welcoming my family 58 years ago. Along with so many others from every diverse culture ….. we’ve made New Zealand our home ….. and been given the opportunity to work and help make her our home. Often called ‘Godzone’ ….. let’s remember that God was here before any of us ….. and let’s try to keep her the way He planned!

Winning Attitude

Sue’s Views
Our attitude makes all the difference as to whether we win or lose in life. Joseph was an amazing example of that. His roller coaster journey took him to some very dark places. Sold as a slave by his own brothers ….. wrongly accused ….. sent to prison ….. forgotten! But in each of those dark places ….. the Lord was with Joseph. He became the head slave in a wealthy man’s house ….. the head administrator in prison ….. and finally the Prime Minister of Egypt. When his brothers knelt before him in fear of their lives ….. Joseph told them it wasn’t their doing but God’s. Through all his hardships and struggles ….. he could see God’s purpose in it all. What an attitude!