Ever Changing World

Sue’s Views
We live in an ever changing world. One thing we can be sure of is change! Seasons change ….. governments change ….. laws change ….. people change ….. our circumstances change. It can make us stronger and more adaptable ….. or it can make us fearful and suspicious. It seems we can no longer take people at their word ….. but there is One who we can always depend on to follow through on His promises. He is the same yesterday ….. today ….. and forever more. We can trust Him 100%! If you put your trust in Him ….. He will help you navigate through the changes!
“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19

God’s Timing

Sue’s Views
 If things seem unclear or confusing ….. it might be a matter of timing. If you’ve done everything you know to do and nothing is changing ….. you must wait! Remember God is at work ….. but He never forces His will on anyone. The situation you’re facing may depend on the choices of others. Waiting doesn’t mean being idle …..  it means learning to be content while you wait for the change.

Decision Time

Sue’s Views
Only a few days out from our general election ….. so it’s decision time! If you are still undecided ….. here are some thoughts. Don’t be swayed by the polls or the media. History has proven both to be unreliable. Take a good look at what the parties believe in ….. and where their values lie. The further we depart from God’s ways ….. the greater the curse we will bring upon ourselves. Don’t just look for payouts ….. or promises of better things. The Good Book says it best ….. ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ….. and all these things shall be added to you.’

Prayer For Israel

Sue’s Views
‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.” For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity.’ Ps 122:6


Sue’s Views
Big day for Mavy yesterday! I love how we can celebrate the milestones in life. The word ‘graduate’ means ‘to move forward from one thing to another’. One day ….. we will all graduate from this life to another. Just as how choices we make at school can determine what kind of job we get ….. so choices we make in this life can determine where we spend eternity. The most important choice we can make is to believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour! He is the way ….. the truth and the life! Congratulations Maverick! Love and blessings to you for the next chapter!



Sue’s Views

This waterwheel relies on the pressure of water to be of any use. Without that ….. it would remain stagnant. Pressure is not always a bad thing! As much as we might like a life free from stress ….. deadlines ….. or expectations of others ….. without those we too would stagnate and become useless. Just as stress training is vital to strengthen muscles ….. so the stresses of life can strengthen our innermost being. They can bring out the fight in us and motivate us to get up and do something. No race was won ….. and no victory gained without pressure. Of course ….. too much pressure can squash us. That’s when we need to adjust the flow by saying ‘no’ ….. or by seeking help.


Abundant Life

Sue’s Views
Are you living an abundant life! Are you living life to the full? That doesn’t mean you have no problems ….. it means you are in a continual relationship with the One who has all the solutions. It doesn’t mean you are wealthy ….. it means you are acquainted with the One who provides all your needs. It doesn’t mean you’ve reached the top of the ladder ….. it means you are walking each day with the One who gives wisdom ….. guidance ….. and strength. Jesus came to give us abundant life! It’s not about our circumstances …..it’s about who is living in us!



Sue’s Views
One of the most encouraging words in the Bible is the word ‘through’. God doesn’t always take us out of difficult situations but He does promise to be with us through them. ‘I will be with you ‘through the storm’ ….. ‘through the valley’ ….. ‘through the battles’ ….. ‘through the night seasons’. Next time you face a challenge know this ….. God has never been closer than He is right now! He won’t abandon you! He is taking you through to take you somewhere!

Voice Recognition

Sue’s Views
Voice recognition has become a reliable and safe way to open bank vaults and entries to confidential information. It’s amazing that no two voices are the same! Our hearts and minds are like a safe. They hold the treasures and things that are most valuable to us. We don’t want just anyone to have access to them. God knows us better than anyone ….. so we can trust Him with those things. Just like the sheep recognise the voice of the shepherd ….. so we need to be able to distinguish His voice from all others. Give Him permission to open the safe ….. and listen for His voice.

Hearing God’s Voice

Sue’s Views
A while ago I was challenged to ask myself ‘If God told me to ask for anything I wanted ….. what would it be?’ King Solomon was asked this question and He asked for wisdom! My answer was to be able to hear God’s voice and to see things from His perspective. There are so many voices clamouring for our attention ….. many of them out to deceive! The only way to hear God is to tune in to Him so much that fake voices will be obvious. 
In Bible times a shepherd led his sheep by the sound of his voice. They knew it so well that it was the only voice they followed. Jesus said in John 10:27
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”