Peace In The Midst Of Chaos!

Sue’s Views
I found this idyllic spot the other day and sat there expecting to hear from God! A few minutes later I was surrounded by a multitude of bird life ….. no doubt expecting something from me! Feeling somewhat distracted ….. I left and continued my walk. That’s when God spoke! He told me that anyone can enjoy His presence in the peaceful and pleasant times. But those who really know Him have learned to enjoy Him in the turbulent and not so pleasant times. Peace is not the absence of trouble ….. but the presence of God in the midst of chaos! It’s not the first time He has sent birds to convey His message!

God Thinks You Are Special!

Sue’s Views
Walking past these magnolias the other day ….. I just had to stop. Their beauty was breathtaking and needed to be acknowledged. As I was telling God how much I admired His handiwork ….. I felt Him say, “that’s how I feel about you!” Wow! A revelation right there! You may not think you’re anything special ….. but God does!

God ….. The Great Physician

Sue’s Views
With so much sickness around ….. and the strain that’s being put on our health system ….. we must rely more and more on God for healing. Over the years ….. my family and I have experienced miracle after miracle. Some have been instant healings. Some over time. But the majority have been where God has imparted wisdom and knowledge that have been up to us to put into practice. Things like naturally healthy foods ….. and understanding of how our bodies work. Dealing with the root cause ….. and getting things in balance. Dealing with stress ….. and recognising it’s triggers. Breaking generational curses when we see patterns of disease ….. or tendencies towards certain addictions. The best part is ….. you dont need an appointment! He won’t tell you to come back next week! He is only a prayer away.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 1:2

Warning Signs

Sue’s Views
I wonder how often we ignore the warning signs ….. and then blame God when we get into trouble? He has clearly told us how to live. Even if you don’t own a Bible ….. He has written it on your heart! We all know right from wrong. He also spelled out the consequences of disobedience. What an amazing Dad! He’s for you ….. not against you. He wants you to be blessed ….. not cursed! It’s not too late to turn around and do life His way!


Sue’s Views 
Contentment comes from focussing on what you have rather than on what you don’t have. If you see the tree as being dead and barren ….. you will feel hopeless and disappointed. But if you see it as getting ready to burst into new life ….. you will feel hopeful and excited. Be thankful for your present situation ….. and expectant for the future!

Potential Within

Sue’s Views
Do you feel like you’re between a rock and a hard place? I want to encourage you to look ….. not at your circumstances ….. but what is within you. When God created you ….. He put everything in you that you would ever need to be all He created you to be. Within you are purpose ….. potential ….. gifting ….. strength and endurance. Nothing can stop God’s purpose being fulfilled ….. except you! Don’t tell God how big your circumstances are. Tell your circumstances how BIG your God is!

He’s All You Need

Sue’s Views
When you feel like everything has been stripped away ….. and you are down to the bare essentials ….. you will find that the bare essentials are enough! One of my favourite verses in the Bible says, “Once I was young but now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly forsaken or their children begging for bread.” He is everything you’ll ever need!


Sue’s Views
Despite the bad things that are happening in our world ….. there is still so much beauty. It’s easy to allow sadness ….. pain ….. anger ….. fear ….. to dominate our vision. Whatever we focus on becomes clearer. If we focus on the negatives ….. they become the things that stand out in our memory. No matter how many good things happened ….. they will blur in the background. But we can turn that around! No matter how many bad things happen ….. if we focus on something beautiful and good ….. the bad stuff will blur in the background. One way to make this work for you is to stop and thank God for the beauty or goodness you find. It helps to establish it in your mind and memory!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8



Sue’s Views
Whose footsteps are you following? Are you repeating patterns of destruction ….. or continuing a legacy of blessing? If you recognise negative cycles in your life or in your bloodline ….. they can end with you! Acknowledging them is the first step. Change is never easy but you can change the direction not only for yourself but for future generations. Remember ….. someone is following in your footsteps!

A Word Of Encouragement

Sue’s Views
Here’s a reminder to encourage us all through the week!
‘I, the Lord am your Shepherd, you shall lack nothing.
I will make you lie down in green pastures. I will lead you beside still waters.
I will restore your soul. 
Even when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will not fear because I am with you. My rod and my staff will comfort you. 
I am preparing a banquet for you in the presence of your enemies.
I will anoint your head with oil. Your cup will overflow.
Surely my goodness and my mercy will follow and be with you all the days of your life, and you will dwell in my house forever.’