The Good Old Days Are Now!

Sue’s Views

Are you dreaming about what life will be like some day ….. when the mortgage is paid off ….. the kids have left home ….. you can relax more? That’s all great ….. but where you are right now could be the most fruitful time of your life! Be present in the moment and you’ll see how amazing it is. Don’t wish it away! The green pastures will come all too soon ….. and you’ll be looking back fondly to ‘the good old days’!

Half Time

Sue’s Views
We are officially half way through the year. Half time is always a time of reflection. What did we do well in the first half? What can we do better in the second? What changes do we need to make? No matter how bad the first half was ….. there is always hope that things can change in the second half. Don’t carry into tomorrow things like guilt ….. shame ….. regrets ….. resentment ….. or unforgiveness. They will only weigh you down! Leave them on the sidelines. Then you can be confident that you are on the winning team!

Beyond the Clouds

Sue’s Views
On a dull wet day like today remember the sun is shining brightly beyond the clouds! The clouds are temporary and constantly shifting. And when they are gone we have a fresh appreciation of the sun.

Your Mess Becomes your Message!

Sue’s Views
Is your path littered with painful memories ….. or reminders of your mistakes? Well ….. welcome to the human race! I’m so glad God doesn’t wait until we’re perfect to use us! It’s our mistakes and failures that make us able to relate to others. It’s our ‘mess’ ….. that becomes our ‘message’! Someone needs your story!


Sue’s Views
Peace is not necessarily the absence of noise ….. or trouble. It’s a quiet knowing that ….. even in the midst of these ….. you are ok. Have you lost your peace? Fear and anxiety ….. anger ….. guilt ….. are peace robbers. By confessing these things to God and receiving His forgiveness ….. your peace will return to you.

Dad Will Catch You If You Fall!

Sue’s Views 
Do you sometimes fear stepping out in case you get it wrong? God is like a Dad watching his child walk for the first time. He lets go of his hand ….. but He’s right there to catch him if he falls. When he inevitably enters a ‘no go zone’ ….. Dad turns him around to point him in the right direction. God will do the same for you! You can trust Him to guide you and to catch you if you fall!

How’s Your Future Looking?

Sue’s Views 
Wondering what the future holds? Do you have unfulfilled dreams? In order to live your best life ….. yield it to God! Only He knows everything! Only He knows what’s best for you. It may mean laying down your dreams ….. but His will be better! We can make our plans ….. but the Lord determines our steps. I, for one, don’t want to be taking steps that God has’t determined for me. We may not know what the future holds ….. but if we know who holds the future ….. then the future is looking good!

Don’t Give Up On the Dream!

Sue’s Views
Do you have a dream ….. something you know you were born to do? Have people ….. or circumstances ….. squashed your dream? Does it seem less likely now to be fulfilled? We’ll let me remind you that the dream is in the seed! God put it there!  It’s still there along with the potential to make it happen. It doesn’t depend on what others say ….. or circumstances ….. unless you let it! 

God’s Plan

Sue’s Views
What does God’s plan for our lives look like? Probably very different to what we’d expect! I would have chosen a nice straight path with few obstacles. But ….. in all honesty ….. it probably looks more like this picture! Winding roads ….. traffic ….. and mountains! Part of the reason for that is the choices I make. I don’t always follow the A road! Therefore ….. in His mercy ….. God has to open up the B road! Then there are other peoples choices. They don’t always follow plan A either and their choices may clash with mine. But I also believe that God is more interested in my character than in my comfort. It’s the winding roads that develop prudence ….. the traffic patience ….. and the mountains strength and perseverance. His ways are higher than mine!

Chance Or Design?

Sue’s Views
Did you happen by chance ….. or design? What you believe about this will determine how you live. For example if you believe you are the product of the multiplication of some random cells for no apparent reason ….. you may live a random life! You may drift from one thing to another ….. trying to fulfil your needs ….. and doing the best you can along the way. However if you believe you are a product of a Creator who lovingly designed you with purpose and significance ….. you will live a purposeful life! You will want to be the best so you bring honour to His name!