God Is Faithful!
I want to end this week by reminding you that God is faithful! No matter what challenges you’re facing ….. despite the circumstances yelling out He’s forgotten you ….. whether or not you are seeing any changes ….. HE IS FAITHFUL!!! The sun will set tonight and rise again tomorrow. And you will have lived another day!
Opportunity In Disguise!
Opportunity often comes in disguise. It may take the form of a closed door ….. a disappointment ….. a negative report. These situations can either cause us to give up ….. or to dig deeper in order to find another way. The big picture usually becomes clearer only on reflection. We discover that the ‘plan B’ ….. though inconvenient at the time ….. was actually much better.
The Secret Place
The Good Old Days Are Now!
Are you dreaming about what life will be like some day ….. when the mortgage is paid off ….. the kids have left home ….. you can relax more? That’s all great ….. but where you are right now could be the most fruitful time of your life! Be present in the moment and you’ll see how amazing it is. Don’t wish it away! The green pastures will come all too soon ….. and you’ll be looking back fondly to ‘the good old days’!
Half Time

Beyond the Clouds

Your Mess Becomes your Message!


Dad Will Catch You If You Fall!