Sue’s Views
If we knew today was going to be our last day on earth ….. I wonder how we would spend it and what conversations we would have. Jesus chose to spend his with his disciples ….. preparing them for what lay ahead. They could not understand why He had to leave them. What was the point of it all? One thing He told them was that it was better for them that He go because He was going to sent a Helper ….. a Comforter ….. Someone who would be like having Jesus by their side every moment of every day! And not only that ….. but also Someone who would empower them to do the things Jesus did! He was talking about the Holy Spirit ….. who is available to each one of us because of Jesus death and resurrection! They received this wonderful gift fifty days later and ….. with the help of the Holy Spirit ….. they turned the world upside down! He turned their mourning into joy ….. and He will do the same for you!