
Sue’s Views
Hi ho! Hi ho! It’s back to work I go! After a year of being ‘retired’ the door has opened for me to return to work. I’ve learned so much through this experience. One thing is that retirement can be busier than working! I see it as a diversion ….. and definitely a test of character! Knowing God is ultimately in control has helped me navigate the changes. I think one of the most important lessons has been to wait on Him. Waiting doesn’t mean doing nothing. It means being open and available for whatever comes your way. This opportunity has come my way ….. and I welcome it for however long it may be. It’s never over until God says so!

Take That Step!

Sue’s Views
If you are in a place of darkness ….. don’t camp there! As hard as it may seem to take a step forward ….. you must! That step may be to phone a friend or someone who can help you to take the next step. It may be to confess a sin and ask forgiveness ….. or to extend forgiveness to someone. One step will lead to another ….. and another ….. until you find yourself in a better place. Don’t give up ….. because refreshing and rest await you just a few steps away!

He Cares For You

Sue’s Views
I’ve been woken up lately by some very vocal birds! They don’t seem to be concerned about the failing economy ….. climate change ….. or increased crime rates. Once the sun is up ….. it’s time to sing! I’m not saying we shouldn’t care about the world’s issues ….. but ….. like the birds ….. we should look more to the hand of God who feeds and clothes us. When we bring our worries to Him ….. He cares for us! The whole world is in His hands ….. and that includes all your needs and concerns! So start singing!

Mercy & Grace

Sue’s Views 
Two of the most precious gifts God offers us are mercy and grace. Mercy means that we don’t get the punishment we deserve because Jesus paid our debt for us. When we repent and receive His forgiveness ….. our slate is wiped clean! Grace means we get more than we deserve. More love ….. more  help ….. more miracles ….. more guidance. It’s interesting that both words are connected to thanksgiving ….. eg ‘Merci’ is French for ‘thank you’ ….. and ‘Grazie’ is Italian for ‘thank you’. Next time you receive mercy or grace ….. don’t forget to thank God! His grace and mercy never run out. They are new every morning!

Tunnel Experiences

Sue’s Views
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! No matter what ‘tunnel’ you are going through ….. there is an end to it. The worse part is the darkness ….. the monotony ….. and not knowing when it will end. The best part is that it’s taking you through something that would otherwise be insurmountable. Whether your tunnel experience is physical ….. emotional ….. financial ….. relational ….. remember God is the greatest Civil Engineer! He not only built the tunnel ….. He knows every square inch of it ….. and will be with you every step of the way. 
 “Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.”  

   Psalm 30:5 

We’re All Different!

Sue’s Views 
Aren’t you glad we’re all different? While some are born for a life of ease and luxury ….. others are more at home on a rock face! These are the kind who don’t need much to survive. They draw their nourishment from whatever is available ….. and always have room to share with others. They love a challenge ….. and don’t have high expectations. If you know someone like that ….. let them know how much you appreciate them!

Dealing With Anger

Sue’s Views
Do you struggle with anger? We all do at times ….. but we also all know that nothing good comes from it. It leads us to say and do things we wouldn’t normally say or do. It leads to regret and can do a lot of damage. There is some very good advice in Psalm 4:4-5
 “Don’t sin by letting anger control you.
    Think about it overnight and remain silent. 
Offer sacrifices in the right spirit,
    and trust the Lord.”
Anger doesn’t have to lead to sin if we deal with it in the right way. ‘Sleep on it’ is always a good thing to do ….. or at least go and find a quiet place to cool down. Talk to God about it. Tell Him you are sorry and ask Him to help you get to the root of your anger. Was it something that sparked an old painful memory? Trust Him to help you pull that root out and replace it with truth. ‘Ferdinand the Bull knows how to cool off!

God Looks At The Heart

There’s an old Indian proverb that says, “Great Spirit, help me never to judge a man until I have walked a mile in his moccasins!” One thing I’ve learned ….. is that ‘hurt people’ hurt people. There is usually a reason why people get ugly ….. and it’s usually because they believe lies! If we can help them know the truth ….. we can help set them free! Don’t judge what you see on the outside ….. look deeper at what’s in the heart!

Celebration Time

A huge Happy Birthday to my beloved! You are a legend! And what a legacy you are leaving behind you. One of faithfulness ….. responsibility ….. and most of all ….. faith in God. Thanks for all the prayers and wisdom you share. Some of your grandies wanted to say Happy Birthday!

God Sees You!

Sue’s Views
Do you know that Almighty God ….. the Creator of the Universe ….. sees you? There is nowhere you can go to escape His gaze! Now that can be comforting ….. or alarming ….. depending on where you stand with Him. If you are one of His children ….. that is wonderful news. It means you never have to be afraid of danger ….. or worry about provision ….. or be anxious about your future. It means knowing who you are and whose you are. Above all ….. it means knowing you are forgiven from all your wrongdoing ….. and have God’s Spirit within you to guide you through life. However ….. if you don’t know God as your Father ….. you are missing out on the life He intended for you. There is only one way to change that and it’s through His Son, Jesus. In His words ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’