Hold Fast!

Sue’s Views
I remember my parents ….. as they approached their 80s ….. saying ‘ We don’t feel like we belong in this world anymore!’ This is a couple who lived through WWII and the Great Depression ….. and yet they felt like strangers in a world of increasing technology and declining morality.
We can all feel like that at times. As though the world has turned upside down and is unrecognisable. But you may be the only one that is the right way up in someone else’s ‘upside down’ world! Don’t lose heart ….. and don’t feel like you have to change to suit what feels like the majority. This world needs people who are founded and rooted in truth. Who have stood firm through the challenges life brings. Hold fast to what you know to be true without wavering!

Queen’s Memorial

Sue’s Views 
Today has been declared a public holiday to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II in NZ. Her ledger stone is very simple ….. with just her name and the names of her parents and husband. Just one week since her funeral ….. for most people ….. life goes on. The fact is ….. our time here on earth is short. Once we are gone ….. life will go on. It’s how we live the time allotted to us that counts. It’s not about how famous ….. wealthy ….. or charismatic we are. It’s about the investment we make into the lives of others. Queen Elizabeth knew that she couldn’t take her jewels ….. palaces ….. or gowns with her. But she has swapped her crown for the crown of life which will last for all eternity! 
“But we must each be careful how we build, because Christ is the only foundation. Whatever we build on this foundation will be tested by fire on the day of judgment. Then everyone will find out if we have used gold, silver, and precious stones, or wood, hay, and straw.” 1 Cor 3:10-13


Sue’s Views
And he’s off! It never ceases to amaze me how babies develop from stage to stage without any help. Sheer determination and a God given desire and ability to progress is all they need! Asaph has been trying to crawl for a few weeks now ….. but could only work in reverse gear. He has finally found first gear and there will be no stopping him now. Watching him has given me encouragement. Baby steps ….. sometimes moving backwards first ….. but never giving up! Thanks Asaph!

Take Back What The Enemy Has Stolen!

Sue’s Views 
The situation in Ukraine is a great example of what happens when we stand up in unity against the enemy. Six months ago when Putin planned a takeover ….. he probably thought it would be a walk in the park. He didn’t take into consideration the tenacity and passion of a people who were going to fight for what was theirs! It has come at a tremendous cost for both nations. Families have been torn apart ….. homes annihilated ….. young men have given their lives for their country. It reminds me of the constant battle we are in as God’s people. Our enemy, the devil, wants to take over everything that belongs to us. Our families, our homes, our freedoms, our health, our territory! Jesus paid for all this with His life on the Cross. We can’t stand back and allow the devil to take what’s ours. We must fight back and we can only do that when we fight together. Our weapons are our prayers and the Word of God which is ‘sharper than any two edged sword.’ When brothers and sisters stand together in unity ….. God commands a blessing!

International Peace Day

Sue’s Views
Today is International Peace Day. It’s a day set aside by the UN to focus on how to achieve world peace. I don’t know what’s on the agenda for this year ….. but no amount of cease fires ….. marches ….. or peace settlements will change the course of history. Peace can only come from Jesus, the Prince of Peace. When He takes residence in the heart of a believer ….. He transforms the way we think. He teaches that hate is the same as murder ….. lust is the same as adultery. His ways are revolutionary …. but effective. The Bible teaches us that a man will emerge in the end times who is called the Antichrist. He will appear to be a man of peace at first ….. but will soon show his true colours as time goes on. Let’s take the opportunity today to pray about the difference we can make. World peace begins in the heart ….. which affects each home ….. which affects the world!

Welcome Home!

Sue’s Views
While watching the Queen’s funeral last night ….. I couldn’t help wondering what it was like for her on the other side. We probably saw the very best of man’s effort. Precision timing ….. perfect execution of an event that was years in the making ….. everything sparkling clean from the streets down to each brass button ….. everyone playing their part with absolute finesse. It was a sight to behold! But as we said our goodbyes ….. my mind kept going to the welcome home she was enjoying. My mind cannot imagine what Heaven’s celebration would be like in comparison. I read somewhere that the Queen was looking forward to casting her crown before the King of Kings! She has been commended for her faithful service here on earth ….. but it was her faithful service to God first and foremost that kept her going. This life is our testing ground for what lies ahead. Thank you, Ma’am, for being such a wonderful example of faith and service.


Sue’s Views
A few highlights from the weekend. We celebrated Judah’s rugby prize giving. Great effort on the field ….. but before we went ….. I found him doing some great work off the field as well! I love how the coaches are intent on building character and teamwork as well as rugby skills. Thanks Judah for spreading the cuzzie love!


Sue’s Views
One thing I love about FB is the memories that come up each day! This photo popped up this morning ….. and with it came a whole mixture of emotions! It was just a year ago ….. but seems like a world away. So much has happened since then. I remember the tension around the whole Covid thing ….. the anxiety about the future ….. and the decisions having to be made. But it also made me thankful for the wonderful people I’d worked with  ….. and met over the years. Also for the blessing of having employment. It can be hard leaving something so familiar and comfortable. I’ve discovered that retirement brings a whole new pathway of opportunities. There’s never a dull moment!

Uniqueness Makes You Valuable!

Sue’s Views 
Have you ever noticed how nothing in creation is perfectly symmetrical? No two petals are exactly the same ….. no two blades of grass ….. no two people! And yet ….. on creating a man and a woman ….. God said His creation was very good! To Him ….. it’s the differences that make us unique. And uniqueness makes us valuable. So celebrate those flaws that stand out so obviously to you. They make you who you are!

Never Give Up!

Sue’s Views
Some of the most successful and innovative people whom we admire ….. didn’t have a very good start in life. People like Albert Einstein who didn’t speak a word until he was 4 years old and was considered stupid by his teachers. Benjamin Franklin dropped out of elementary school because his parents couldn’t afford his education. Thomas Edison failed thousands of attempts to invent the light bulb and said,  “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” These and so many others refused to give up! They fought through the rejection and humiliation because they had a dream. Every God given dream will face opposition. Maybe you have one that seems impossible? Others may give up on you but God never will!