
Sue’s Views
The best thing we can do for our children is to dedicate them to God while they are young. The world’s agenda is to destroy them if possible ….. and if not ….. to take away the authority of parents ….. and to make them confused about who they are. Dedication is not just a ceremony. It’s a declaration by the parents of their desire and intention to raise their child God’s way. And it’s an acknowledgement that the child was His in the first place. The decision of course will be the child’s when he’s old enough to understand ….. but we can be sure of God’s protection and guidance on his journey through life. God bless you Asaph!


Sue’s Viiews
Despite the bad things that are happening in our world ….. there is still so much beauty. It’s easy to allow sadness ….. pain ….. anger ….. fear ….. to dominate our vision. Whatever we focus on becomes clearer. If we focus on the negatives ….. they become the the things that stand out in our memory. No matter how many good things happened ….. they will blur in the background. But we can turn that around! No matter how many bad things happen ….. if we focus on something beautiful and good ….. the bad stuff will blur in the background. One way to make this work for you is to stop and thank God for the beauty or goodness you find. It helps to establish it in your mind and memory!
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

The Battlefield Of The Mind

Sue’s Views
I read the other day that one in four New Zealanders suffer from mental unwellness. My initial reaction was ….. ‘Wow! That’s high!’ But ….. on thinking about it ….. I decided it’s probably low. Maybe these figures represent those who reach out for help ….. or their behaviour causes others to reach out to them. But if we are honest ….. we all struggle at times. There is a battle going on and our minds are the battlefield. Pressure ….. stress ….. loneliness ….. unrealistic expectations ….. abuse ….. fear ….. anxiety ….. betrayal ….. to name but a few of the weapons aimed at us. It’s a spiritual battle! We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers. The good news is that we have weapons of our own to fight with and they are more powerful than our enemy’s. The thoughts that come to us from the enemy are lies! They only have power if we believe them! We overcome lies by declaring truth which is found in God’s Word. We overcome fear and anxiety by expressing our faith in God through Jesus Christ. We overcome the temptations of the enemy through the power of the Holy Spirit. We overcome the pressure and stress by resting in God and letting Him fight our battles. We overcome hurt and abuse by allowing God’s Spirit to heal us. And  we overcome loneliness and betrayal by knowing God will never leave us nor forsake us. And those of us who are in a good place need to be aware of those around us who need someone to come alongside and support them.


Sue’s Views
This photo reminds me of the song about the little ducks that ‘went swimming one day, over the hills and far away.’ Do you have a ‘prodigal duck’ that despite much ‘quacking’ is not coming back? Take comfort in knowing that God ….. who loves them more than you do ….. will allow them to get stuck in a bog until they come to their senses. He’s right there with them ….. and they are learning the most valuable lessons life can teach them. Like the prodigal son in the Bible ….. one day they will realise they need to return to their Father.

Follow The Instruction Manual!

Sue’s Views
I wonder how many times you’ve bought a new appliance and used it without reading the instruction manual. I know I have! My thinking has been ….. ‘I know how to use a microwave ….. vacuum cleaner ….. or whatever it may be! What could possibly go wrong?’ But after a while ….. when something does go wrong ….. I’m scrambling to find the manual! The Bible is our ‘manual’ for how to use our lives. Yet how often do we ignore the manual and do it our way? Then ….. after we make a mess of things ….. we blame God! The manual to this appliance clearly says ‘Before first use of the unit read these operating instructions and act in accordance with them.’ Only the manufacturer knows the best way to use his appliance!

Spread Your Wings

Sue’s Views
Life’s circumstances can make us feel trapped ….. confined ….. frustrated at times. Deep down you know there’s more for you ….. but people ….. or voices from your past ….. keep you limited. Know this ….. nothing can stop you from fulfilling God’s purpose ….. except your unbelief! What you’re going through now is making you strong ….. get ready to spread your wings!

Brain Fog!

Sue’s Views
This is the view from my window this morning!  The good news is ….. it’s usually a sign of a beautiful day ahead. I’m no meteorologist ….. but it has to do with atmospheric pressure and temperature etc ….. and apparently it is actually cleaning the air. I wonder if ‘brain fog’ has the same effect? Those moments when you’re in the middle of a conversation and your mind blanks out! From now on ….. I choose to see it as my mind being cleared of rubbish! Our brains are so often on overload. So whether it’s ‘baby brain’ or ‘brain fog’ ….. the day ahead is looking bright and beautiful!


Sue’s Views
Communication is an art that takes practice and effort ….. but it’s vital to every relationship. We can so often assume the other person understands us when they have absolutely no clue! It requires being able to say what you want to say clearly ….. and being able to hear and understand what the other person is saying. It involves so much more than just words. Tone ….. body language ….. eye contact ….. volume ….. can tell us much about how someone is feeling. Also right timing is important. When you are angry or upset might not be the best time to resolve conflict. Neither when the other person is engrossed in some other activity. Good communication can bring down walls ….. and build strong relationships.

You Are Valuable To God

Sue’s Views
The human body is made up of 60% water and the rest is mainly minerals that are found in the mud! According to a couple of websites ….. the value of one human is around $160!!! Doesn’t that make you feel so special? And yet ….. we couldn’t create a human if we tried. The story is told that some scientist said he could create a man out of mud ….. and God said ‘Go ahead but first you have to make your own mud!’ We came from nothing ….. and yet Jesus considered us so valuable that He was willing to die on a cross so we would be able to live with Him forever. The things with the least monetary value are often the most important. We spend millions of dollars on trying to look good while God looks at us as we are and sees a pearl of great price for which He was willing to give everything He had. I hope that makes you feel a bit better about yourself!


Sue’s Views
Many people in our world today are struggling because of labels ….. or things others have said about them. We become what we believe we are. A young man in the Bible was named Jabez which means ‘Pain’ because his Mum had a painful birth! But he wasn’t prepared to wear that name. He prayed, ‘Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will not cause pain.’ So God granted him what He requested. Ask God to bless you and make you bigger than the label that confines you!