
Sue’s Views
The word ‘conception’ has two meanings ….. the formation of an idea or plan ….. and the moment you began to be formed in your mother’s womb. Both apply to each one of us. God planned every detail of our lives ….. gender ….. race ….. gifting ….. place of birth ….. time of birth ….. characteristics etc. Many have difficulty accepting who they are. That’s why it’s important to know you started in the heart of God. You are not a product of your parents choices or mistakes. You were lovingly and thoughtfully crafted by the Creator. You are a masterpiece! And so is everyone of God’s creations. Therefore ….. we need to treat everyone with the love and respect they deserve. There is no place for prejudice ….. supremacy ….. or low self esteem in God’s amazing family!


Sue’s Views
It’s officially winter! The trees have shed their leaves ….. the sun goes down by 5 ….. and heaters are firing up! In nature ….. today is the beginning of its most productive season. New life is starting to surge through those naked branches. The beauty of spring doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes months of preparation and chemical changes ….. but they all take place within and are unseen. It’s the same with us! Our most productive seasons become evident after a ‘winter’ experience. Those sleepless nights of anguish ….. those prayers that seem to hit the ceiling ….. those hopes that appear to have been dashed ….. those disappointments ….. are developing strength and character in you that could come no other way. 
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4

Seeds of Wisdom

Sue’s Views
No matter what stage you are at in life ….. you have an important part to play. The sunflower is a great illustration. We all love the beauty and freshness of the young bright yellow flowers! They bring joy and vitality just being around them. But their most productive season is when they age! They don’t look so good ….. and they can no longer lift their heads to the sun ….. but this is the time they have the most to give. This is when they are harvested for their seeds and oil which live on to be used for many other products. The glorious seeds of lessons learned from experience and time can be of benefit when shared with others. You may not have the energy you once had ….. but the treasures within you are priceless!

Our Helmsman

Sue’s Views
55 years ago ….. my family left the UK to come to New Zealand by ship. I remember the first week was very rough. I didn’t want to leave the cabin ….. but my Dad who was a seasoned sailor ….. made me go up on deck. He said it was the best place to be in rough seas. And he was right! Our journey took us through the English Channel ….. into the Atlantic Ocean ….. navigating the Panama Canal ….. and out into the calmer Pacific. At one point we were taken to the place where the helmsman steered the ship. I couldn’t believe how small that wheel was! And yet it guided us through rough seas ….. landed us at ports along the way ….. guided us through the Panama Canal with little room either side ….. until we arrived at Wellington Docks. Life is like that journey. Aren’t you glad we have a Helmsman who knows the seas ….. the weather ….. and the way! You can relax and know He will get you safely to your destination!

Remover of Mountains

Sue’s Views
It’s good to be home after our whirlwind tour of the upper South Island! As Dorothy said ….. ‘There’s no place like home!’ But it has definitely given us a greater appreciation for our country and the hardy folk who live in the South. We think we’ve been hard done by with our months of lockdown here in Auckland ….. but it has had a follow on effect throughout the country. On top of earthquakes ….. floods ….. and fires ….. the lack of tourists has been a huge blow. One thing I’ve noticed is the resilience of people who have lived through hardship. There’s something about brokenness that makes us stronger. Flying home over the mountain ranges reminded me that a few days ago ….. we were on a train looking up at those same mountains. They seemed imposing and impenetrable! We were glad someone had made a way through and around them. But looking down on them ….. they seem much less menacing ….. and even beautiful. Whatever mountain you are facing ….. Someone has gone before you to make a way through. From His perspective ….. they are nothing! 
“Let every valley be lifted up,
And every mountain and hill be made low;
And let the rough ground become a plain,
And the rugged terrain a broad valley.” Isaiah 40:4

Homeward Bound

Sue’s Views
The final leg of our journey took us back to Christchurch. We awoke to a frosty morning and a fresh sprinkling of snow on the mountains. We stopped in Amberley to spend time with some old friends ….. and then on to Christchurch. We walked to the Botanic Gardens  but soon returned to the warmth of our room for the night. Thanks for coming on this trip with us! We have so enjoyed seeing this beautiful part of our country. But it’s time to return home ….. hopefully with a fresh appreciation and outlook. Love to all!


Sue’s Views
Today started with an early morning walk to the beach across the road. We then visited the Kaikoura Museum which was awesome! Lots of information about the earthquake. We hear about these things on the news but It’s amazing to hear individual stories from people who lived through it. Also lots of reminiscing over days gone by. Our journey then took us to Hanmer Springs! What a beautiful place. The warm water was very welcome and very relaxing. A bit cold getting out ….. but we fixed that with a great Indian curry!


Sue’s Views
Another day of new experiences! We left the vineyards of Marlborough and travelled south along the rugged coast road towards Kaikoura. Today’s highlight was seeing the seal colonies where masses of seals of all ages were basking in the sun! We got to talk to some local business owners about the effects of the earthquake 6 years ago. That ….. plus Covid ….. has affected their businesses tremendously. Apparently the earthquake also rearranged some of the coastline. The seals don’t seem to mind!


Sue’s Views
We are now on day 5 of our Top of the South Trip. Yesterday’s leg was from Nelson to Blenheim via Queen Charlotte Sound and Picton. This journey has really made me appreciate the early settlers who paved the way for us to be able to drive on good roads ….. and have towns to stay in. I can’t imagine how hard it would have been for them. Pioneering is never easy ….. but someone has to be the first to do something new. We might not be called to go to an uninhabited place ….. but God might be calling us to start something new ….. a new business ….. outreach ….. creative idea. Don’t wait for someone else ….. you might be that someone!

Comeback Story

Sue’s Views
A sprinkling from day 2. We drove back to Christchurch and had a walk around the city centre. We all love ‘comeback stories’ ….. and Christchurch is a great example. After the earthquakes 11 years ago ….. it was a city that was broken ….. grieving ….. and without hope. It is now beautiful ….. bustling ….. and filled with new ventures. If you relate to this in any way ….. you too have a ‘comeback story’. The memories still remain ….. but they also serve as a reminder of the miracles God has done.