
Sue’s Views
Falling leaves ….. crisper mornings ….. shorter days ….. it must be Autumn! We don’t need a calendar or a thermometer to tell us things are changing. We see it and feel it! The signs we see in nature tell us to get ready for winter. We would be wise to heed them or else we could be unprepared and very cold! As it is in the natural realm ….. so it is in the spiritual realm. There are signs everywhere reminding us that Jesus is returning soon. Jesus told His disciples there would be false Messiahs, wars, famines, earthquakes, deception, persecution and betrayal in the Last Days. One of the most valuable gifts we have been given is the gift of discernment. It goes beyond what we see in the natural. When heeded ….. it will prepare us for eternity!

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Sue’s Views
One of the best things about being a grandparent is watching your grandies grow up and develop into their own characters and personalities. It becomes obvious that these are ‘inborn’. Every child has God given qualities. The role of parents is to help them discover them and guide them in the right direction. I’m focussing on Jabari today because it’s his birthday! He is loving and kind ….. lots of fun to be around ….. and as his name suggests ….. he is fearless! I’d say he has the makings of a successful and productive life. Happy 5th birthday Jabari! We look forward to celebrating with you tomorrow!
‘For you created my inmost being; 
 you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;’ Psalm 139:13-14

How Do You See the Future?

Sue’s Views

The last couple of years has changed us all in various ways. Some of us are angry ….. some afraid ….. many have lost loved ones ….. and many have lost their trust in authority. Things are looking a lot brighter ….. but we are constantly reminded that we can only be ‘cautiously optimistic’! That’s because none of us know what the future holds. But we do know who holds the future!
‘Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10

Winds of Change

Sue’s Views 
Winds of change are in the air! Today ….. our government are going to announce the possible changes to rules around Covid. Some are hoping for the lifting of mandates ….. others are terrified at the thought. Then there is the constantly unfolding situation in Ukraine where people are facing the loss of everything they have ever known. We are living in an ever changing world. How do we cope with that? The only way I know is to hold fast to what we know to be unchanging. And that is God! He is in control of the wind!
Here are 3 verses you can hold fast to:
{For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.’ (Malachi 3:6)
‘God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?’ (Numbers 23:19)
‘The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.’ (Isaiah 40:8)

Birth Pains

Sue’s Views
After months of drought ….. yesterday Auckland had one months worth of rain in 10 hours. Just another sign of how our world has become out of balance. The Bible tells us that the whole of creation is groaning like a woman in childbirth. The pain she experiences is not permanent. It has a purpose ….. to bring forth a brand new life! The pain the world is going through right now is also temporary. The wars ….. pandemics ….. criminal activity ….. injustice etc ….. are producing something wonderful. Our salvation! So don’t lose hope! Hold on ….. because what is coming is worth waiting for!
“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” Romans 8:22-25


Sue’s Views
Some of the best fellowship happens around a table! Due to restrictions with church numbers ….. we are currently having small gatherings in homes. Although we miss so many people ….. there’s a lot to be said about this form of ‘church’. Jesus spent a lot of His time eating and drinking with everyday people ….. and you can be sure some of His deepest and memorable messages were conveyed across a table! Yesterday also happened to be my birthday so I was doubly blessed. Thank you to all who took time and effort to send me greetings. I appreciate and love you  and pray Gods very best blessings for you all ❤️

How is Your Confession?

Sue’s Views
I was challenged this morning to think about how I speak. What kind of confessions do I make? Are they positive ….. or negative? It would probably be a good exercise to record our speech for a day or two to find out! What do those around us hear? Moses sent twelve spies to check out the Promised Land before they entered. Ten of them came back with a negative report. They all agreed it was beautiful ….. but the beauty was marred by the possible danger of the ‘giants’. They were willing to forfeit God’s plan for the safety of the familiar. The other two came back filled with hope and confidence. They were realistic. They saw the same giants ….. but were sure God would help them overcome the obstacles. They were already living the dream! Imagine how hard it must have been for those two to have to wait 40 years before they were able to enter the Land. But enter they did! None of the others did. They all died in the Wilderness. There are plenty of ‘giants’ out there. Is your confession ‘I’m like a grasshopper in comparison’ ….. or is it ‘we are able’?

St Patrick’s Day

Sue’s Views
Sue’s Views
Today is St Patrick’s Day! I discovered that St Patrick was actually born in Britain. At the age of 16 ….. he was kidnapped and taken to Ireland where he was forced to work as a shepherd for Irish invaders. It was here he came to faith in God. He managed to escape and returned to England where he undertook missionary training. He went back to Ireland where he converted many Irish from paganism and he became their patron saint. A great example of how we can turn the bad things that happen to us into something good!

Change of Season

Sue’s Views
It won’t be long before these leaves change colour so I want to make the most of this season. We’ve had such a lovely long summer which has made the lockdowns and restrictions more bearable. At least we could get out of the house and go for walks. The situation in Ukraine has put a whole new perspective on our petty inconveniences. Imagine being in a war zone in the middle of a harsh winter ….. with no power ….. no home ….. no food or water ….. and at the same time ….. fearing for your lives. These are people just like us ….. who just want to raise their children ….. give them a good education ….. and be responsible citizens. Let’s pray this season is soon over for them!

The Eye of a Father

Sue’s Views 
Do you know you are being watched? How does that make you feel? I’m not talking about ‘Big Brother’ ….. or CCTV cameras! I’m talking about Someone who not only sees your every move ….. but also sees your heart. He knows ….. not only what you do ….. but why you do it. He knows the good ….. the bad ….. and the ugly ….. and still loves you! His watchful eye has protected you from dangers you didn’t even know existed. It’s an eye that weeps when you make choices that are not good for you or others ….. but lights up with joy when you speak to Him. It’s the eye of a Father!