God Will Make a Way

Sue’s Views

So thankful to be able to catch up with all our grandies this weekend! Not all at once of course ….. but in smaller gatherings. We realise how blessed we are to have them all so close by and within the same boundary. So many of you out there haven’t been able to see family for a very long time. Things we’ve taken for granted are becoming rare opportunities. For those waiting for borders to open ….. remember God who made a path through the sea ….. and rivers flow in the desert ….. will make a way for you!


Sue’s Views
The thing that pleases God the most  is Faith. ‘Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.’ Hebrews 11:1 (Berea Study Bible). The Bereans were commended for their diligence in searching out the scriptures before believing what they were taught. Our faith must be anchored in Gods Word ….. it’s not just wishful thinking! But if God says something ….. we can stand upon it with the utmost assurance. That doesn’t mean it will happen in our timing or the way we would like. But it will happen! Hold fast to your confession of faith without wavering ….. because God always keeps His promises!

Decision Time

Sue’s Views
I don’t know a time when I’ve been more aware of the battle between good and evil! I feel like I’m living in a ‘parallel universe’! The devils plan has always been to make us question God. (‘Did God really say …..’) He uses subtlety and counterfeit to sugarcoat his lies. That’s why it’s so important to know what God really did say! In the days when bank tellers handled cash ….. they were taught to study the original banknotes so they would automatically recognise a counterfeit one. They didn’t study all the false notes! It’s the same with us! We must know what Gods Word says ….. not everyone’s opinions about what it says. That only brings confusion. Check it out for yourself. It’s time to decide which side you are on!

God’s Got This!

Sue’s Views
‘Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
    who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,
    who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,
    who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
The Lord works righteousness
    and justice for all the oppressed.’ (Psalm 103 1-6)
These verses cover all our needs ….. spiritual ….. physical ….. mental ….. emotional ….. and judicial. There’s no need to be anxious or angry! God’s got this!


Sue’s Views

This waterwheel relies on the pressure of water to be of any use. Without that ….. it would remain stagnant. Pressure is not always a bad thing! As much as we might like a life free from stress ….. deadlines ….. or expectations of others ….. without those we too would stagnate and become useless. Just as stress training is vital to strengthen muscles ….. so the stresses of life can strengthen our innermost being. They can bring out the fight in us and motivate us to get up and do something. No race was won ….. and no victory gained without pressure. Of course ….. too much pressure can squash us. That’s when we need to adjust the flow by saying ‘no’ ….. or by seeking help.

Deo Volente

Sue’s Views
One of the best words of advice I can give is to live one day at a time. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring ….. and we don’t need to! All we need to focus on is today. We can make plans for the future ….. but there are no guarantees. There used to be a saying ‘Deo Volente’ which means ‘God willing’. All our plans are subject to DV. But with that comes the assurance of a new day dawning tomorrow that is filled with new mercies ….. His faithfulness from sunrise to sunset ….. and His presence with us no matter what the future brings. So enjoy today and don’t worry about tomorrow. It’s in His hands!

Change Channels

Sue’s Views
As another month comes to an end ….. the spring blossoms are doing their thing! In a world of hopelessness and despair ….. they are sending out a message of hope and beauty. Of fruitfulness and change. They are a reminder of God’s sovereignty over all of creation. He is not fazed by the news. If you are feeling anxious or depressed ….. change channels!


Sue’s Views
Erosion is defined as ‘the gradual destruction or diminution of something’ or ….. ‘the fact of a good quality or situation being gradually lost or destroyed’. Tree roots form an underground network that stabilises the soil, so deforestation often leads to increased soil erosion. Likewise ….. when our moral standards are reduced ….. the roots that held our society firmly are weakened ….. resulting in a landslide! Our values for family ….. freedom ….. and the right to choose ….. are under attack! The operative word is ‘gradual’. It’s the constant but gradual pressure that weakens our resolve. By holding fast to the confession of our faith without wavering ….. our roots will begin to grow again and strengthen our nation!

Look Deeper

Sue’s Views
The more I read in the Old Testament ….. the more I think I’m reading today’s newspaper! The deception ….. immorality ….. idolatry ….. and downright evil ….. are nothing new. The problems they faced then are the same today. They turned their backs on God and did what seemed right in their own eyes. The answer is still the same as well ….. repent and turn back to God and His ways and He will forgive and heal our land! Please folk ….. look deeper! The government ….. the vaccine ….. lockdowns ….. aren’t going to fix this!

Life Goes On!

Sue’s Views
I was excited to come across this family of ducks this weekend. They are Paradise ducks and they mate for life! They are always together ….. but the exciting thing is ….. they were accompanied by 5 little tiny babies! It was a reminder that life is continuing as normal outside of Covid!