Never Alone!

Sue’s Views
Are you feeling lonely? The current situation across the world has meant that many people are isolated. Being alone and cut off from family and friends can be soul destroying ….. and the days seem endless. But I want to speak to you about the power of one. When one person connects with God ….. they become a force to be reckoned with. The prophets of old were lonely! They were sent to warn people of things to come ….. so they weren’t very popular! But God chose them to speak on His behalf. Many died without seeing any results. But they died ….. knowing they had done what was required of them. You may not be called to be a prophet ….. but you are called to pray! Old or young ….. your prayers will have a tremendous effect on the world. Prayer connects us with the spiritual realm ….. and is unlimited in time and space. You will realise that you are never alone ….. and never insignificant!

The Ram

Sue’s Views
Feel like you have a mountain to climb? Have you been given a task that seems impossible? Or are you carrying a burden that is too heavy? I just want to encourage you that you are only seeing one side of that mountain. Abraham was given such a task when God told him to sacrifice his only son on Mount Moriah. Can you imagine the arduous climb he had to make? But what he didn’t know was ….. that with each step he took ….. God was leading a ram up the other side of the mountain ….. to get tangled in a thorn bush at the same time Abraham was about to kill Isaac. And God has a ‘ram’ for your situation as well! We can’t see the whole picture ….. but we must trust the One who can!

Lockdown Activities

Sue’s Views
What are some of the things you’ve been up to while in lockdown. Apart from our daily walk ….. I got into some spring cleaning. I’m not the most disciplined person when it comes to housework! I’ve discovered the best way to tackle it is just to start. Once I start a job ….. I want to keep going! So much so that yesterday I was looking for something to do. I tipped out the lego blocks and checked to see if there were any pieces missing! I know! Crazy eh? But I actually found it very fulfilling. Those grandchildren had better not come round and mess it up 😂

Work in Progress

Sue’s Views
One of the sad things about being in lockdown is that ‘work in progress’ has come to a standstill. Road works ….. building projects ….. and other such projects are lying idle while willing workers are at home. I personally don’t see why they can’t be continued under current restrictions as it seems to me the perfect time to get these jobs done. However ….. I too ….. am a ‘work in progress’! Frustration and misunderstanding are part of that process. Many times when I want to go ahead ….. God says ‘Wait!’ When I think I have it all sussed ….. He shows me that I know nothing! And like Job ….. I put my hand over my mouth and say ‘I’m talking about things I know nothing about!’ So to all the other ‘works in progress’ out there ….. keep trusting God with all your questions and frustrations. He is doing more in you through this than you know!

Psalm 91

Sue’s Views
What a world we live in! For many ….. Covid-19 is the least of their worries. It just adds to the fear and danger of living under the threat of terrorism and natural disasters. Psalm 91 is the perfect antidote and I just want to remind us all what it says. ( NB 91 reverses 19)
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
    will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
    he is my God, and I trust him.
For he will rescue you from every trap
    and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers.
    He will shelter you with his wings.
    His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
    nor the arrow that flies in the day.
Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
    nor the disaster that strikes at midday”

Family Time

Sue’s Views
One thing I love about lockdown is seeing families doing things together. Whether it’s out walking ….. baking ….. or playing games ….. it’s time well spent and building memories. It’s also teaching us all to live a more balanced lifestyle. For those who are working from home ….. it must be challenging ….. but try to balance it with some exercise and fun! It will help make you more productive! Get the kids involved in household chores and meal prep. And try to have a routine! Otherwise the screens will take over! Have a blessed day everyone!

Business Partner

Sue’s Views

Empty cafes and playgrounds have become a common site. Small businesses are doing it tough and need our prayers. The bills don’t stop coming just because the people do. For everyone who is relying on a job that seems uncertain ….. I encourage you to look to God for your provision. He can make a way where there seems to be no way. He can multiply whatever we give Him. But the secret is to trust Him and let Him be your boss! He wants to help you ….. not only in your business ….. but in every aspect of your life! He is the best business partner you could ask for!

Welcome to Spring!

Sue’s Views
‘For the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers are springing up and the time of the singing of birds has come. Yes, spring is here.’ Welcome to spring! It’s a season of new life! Every winter leads into spring! I can’t promise there will be no rain ….. but I can promise there will be flowers and birds singing. I can’t promise there will be no more pain ….. but I can promise a new perspective and understanding. The old adage ‘No pain ….. no gain’ ….. is so true. Everyone who has a story worth hearing has paid the price. And your story is going to make a difference in someone’s life. I pray ….. in this new season … will begin to see beauty instead of ashes ….. the oil of joy in place of mourning ….. and a garment of praise to replace the spirit of heaviness!


Sue’s Views
Today is officially the last day of winter ….. and change is definitely in the air. Not only in the weather ….. but in just about every aspect of life as we know it. Change is inevitable and we’ve all adapted to new schools ….. homes ….. jobs ….. relationships etc. Things that may have seemed daunting have become the norm ….. as we’ve grown used to them. But we must be careful. Some things should never change. God’s Word will never change! It is established forever. It doesn’t ‘adapt’ to the times we’re living in. It doesn’t ‘evolve’ to suit our way of thinking. And it certainly doesn’t ‘compromise’ or ‘tolerate’ to satisfy our selfish desires. There are agendas aiming to do just that. If ideas are pushed hard enough …. they become familiar and start to sound reasonable. Let the Word of God be your plumb line. Study the truth and you’ll recognise the false. God will bring about a new season in His timing.


Sue’s Views 
As we were out walking on Saturday ….. we came across this kereru sitting about a meter away from us. In last years lockdowns we were visited by one every morning in our garden at home. Somehow ….. these beautiful birds have come to symbolise peace and remind me of God’s presence. He speaks to us in many ways. For you ….. it may be a song ….. a place ….. or a Bible verse. A ‘go to’ whenever you feel uncertain or anxious. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”.