See the forest ….. not just the trees!

Sue’s Views
There’s a saying ‘You can’t see the forest for the trees!’ It means being so caught up in the details that you lose sight of the bigger picture. When we focus on someone’s failings or negative traits we can no longer see their positives. Whatever you focus on gets bigger! This is common in marriage or any other relationship. A good practice is to make a list of all the good things you can see and start thanking God for them. Also make a point of telling the person what you are grateful for. As you focus on the positives ….. you will see them more clearly!

Be Still

Sue’s Views
This photo was difficult to get because the fantail is hardly ever still! It flits about from branch to the ground ….. always looking for food while keeping an eye out for predators. Can you relate? In the times we are living in ….. we can sometimes forget that we have a Heavenly Father who cares for us. If ‘His eye is on the sparrow’ ….. you can be sure His eye is on you too! He has promised to provide for you and to protect you from predators. He says ‘Be still and know that I am God’.

Praise the Lord!

Sue’s Views

Everyone enjoys praise! We’ve praised our athletes for their amazing performances and hard work. We praise musicians ….. actors ….. chefs ….. artists ….. etc. But the one who deserves our praise the most is God! He created the universe ….. He chose us to live on planet earth ….. He provides everything we need ….. He is our Healer and Protector ….. He gives us gifts and talents! We should praise Him from sunrise to sunset ….. in fact the Bible says we are to praise Him continually! That just means that we are always aware of Him and thankful for all He has done. You will never run out of things to praise Him for!

One Step at a Time

Sue’s Views
Not sure what lies ahead? Take one step at a time! If the path seems  unfamiliar and a little scary ….. it takes faith to go forward. But it’s faith in Someone who knows the path and sees where it leads. It may be one of those legs of the journey that you will look back on one day ….. and it will all make perfect sense.  Hold onto the hand that is guiding you.

Every Knee Shall Bow

Sue’s Views
As we’ve seen in the America’s Cup and the Olympic boat races ….. they very much rely on the weather. Too much wind ….. or not enough breeze can postpone the event. A true sailor learns to read the weather patterns ….. but he can do nothing to change them. So it is in life! The most adventurous ….. the wealthiest ….. the smartest ….. all have to succumb to a higher authority. The hardest heart knows deep down that there is a God. It may fight and rebel against Him. It may deny Him. But ….. at the end of the day ….. ‘every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!’ It’s not until you have been through a storm and survived that you realise God was with you!

Love Your Enemies

Sue’s Views

Have you been let down by someone you love? Has your trust been broken? Feelings of betrayal and disappointment can leave us very vulnerable. By all means ….. take some time to process and heal. But there’s a tendency to become self focussed and that’s when your mind can lead you down a slippery pathway. It may tell you that you are entitled to get even ….. that you deserve to hurt them back. And you can be sure that there will be well meaning friends who will encourage you along that path. But right now ….. your best friend is Jesus! And He said we are to love our enemies and do them good. Ouch! The point is ….. don’t allow their bad behaviour influence you to also behave badly. You ….. dear one who is hurting so badly ….. are In a better place than the one who did the hurting. 

River of Life

Sue’s Views

We have begun a new series at Church on ‘The River of Life’. A river starts with a trickle of water ….. which forms a pool ….. that becomes a stream ….. which turns into a mighty river ….. that flows into the sea! You might not think you have much to give ….. you may not feel very influential ….. but when we give our talents or resources to God ….. He can multiply and use them to bring life to many. Your ‘trickle’ can refresh ….. enliven ….. and empower others! 

Crown of Life

Sue’s Views
I don’t know about you but I found watching the Olympics quite stressful! Such a mix of emotions! This was my favourite moment during the Sevens! Each team competed to win but there can only be one winner. They all trained hard ….. lived a disciplined lifestyle ….. made sacrifices ….. followed the requirements. All to win a gold medal and a bouquet of flowers! In the game of life ….. we are aiming for a crown of life that will last forever! So wherever you are in the game or on the track ….. keep going! It doesn’t matter if others pass you. Don’t worry about what the scoreboard says. Don’t get angry at the referee! Just run your best and play your best!

‘Sorry for the Inconvenience’

Sue’s Views

Do you ever wish you could put up a sign like this? About this time of year we can feel tired and depleted. The demands made of us physically ….. mentally ….. and emotionally can seem too much ….. and we just want to shut the door on the world and have a break! Sometimes a short break is enough ….. but renewal requires a lot more. This garden will not only be allowed to rest. It will no doubt be dug up ….. and nutrients will be added to the soil. It may even be redesigned! Sometimes ….. unwelcome change is forced upon us. It doesn’t feel good at the time ….. but the designer knows what he is doing! He sees a better layout ….. and a healthier environment. As it says in the small print ‘Sorry for the inconvenience!’ 


Sue’s Views
One thing I love about the Olympics is how it shows that ….. no matter where we come from ….. we all have so much in common. Our eyes well up when our national anthem is played ….. we all feel the same nervousness before the event ….. the same disappointment if we lose ….. and the same elation if we win. But I also love how it levels the playing field! It proves you don’t have to come from a ‘wealthy’ background to be a winner! I love it when someone who can hardly afford running shoes wins the race through shear giftedness and determination. Congratulation Fiji! You definitely deserve this one! May it bring much joy and hope to those back home!