Don’t Worry About Tomorrow!

Sue’s Views
Just sitting here reflecting on the past week ….. and how good God is! This time last week ….. I was feeling anxious about what was ahead. I’m one of those people who try to plan for every possible scenario. The problem is ….. God doesn’t usually fit into any of them! He has His own plan ….. and it’s always perfect. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow. Just take it one day at a time! Most of the things we worry about never actually happen ….. and if they do ….. we discover that we are able to cope with far more than we thought we could. Have a blessed week everyone!

Wait For God’s Timing

Sue’s Views
Trying to hear from God ….. but not getting a clear answer? It could be a matter of timing! Just as things look sharper when the sun is overhead ….. God may be saying ….. “Wait!” If we move before His timing ….. we could trip ….. or be deceived by shadows. His timing is perfect!

Hold Fast Without Waveriing

Sue’s Views
I remember my parents ….. as they approached their 80s ….. saying ‘ We don’t feel like we belong in this world anymore!’ This is a couple who lived through WWII and the Great Depression ….. and yet they felt like strangers in a world of increasing technology and declining morality.
We can all feel like that at times. As though the world has turned upside down and is unrecognisable. But you may be the only one that is the right way up in someone else’s ‘upside down’ world! Don’t lose heart ….. and don’t feel like you have to change to suit what feels like the majority. This world needs people who are founded and rooted in truth. Who have stood firm through the challenges life brings. Hold fast to what you know to be true without wavering!


Sue’s Views
One of the greatest things we can teach our children is to pray! Prayer links them to the God who is omnipresent (always with them wherever they are) ….. omnipotent (has the power to do anything) ….. and omniscient (knows everything). We won’t always be there ….. our ability and knowledge is limited ….. but God will always be their best friend ….. counsellor and helper! 
Happy 6th birthday today Mavy! God hears your prayers ….. so don’t stop! Well done, Mum, for being such an example of faith to your children. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!

Good Things Take Time!

Sue’s Views
It always amazes me how something that looks like a dried up onion can become these beautiful spring flowers. The secret is being hidden underground for a time! During this time ….. so much is happening in that dark place to release the potential that’s within the bulb. If you are in a dark place ….. rejoice! It means God is giving you roots ….. and stripping away the external stuff that limits your growth. At the right time ….. the real ‘you’ will emerge. Don’t be in a rush!

Our Gatekeeper

Sue’s Views
Does the way ahead seem to be blocked? Gates have two purposes. They are there to keep intruders out ….. but also to keep those within safe. What we see as an obstacle ….. could be there for our protection. God is our gatekeeper! He sees the dangers we don’t see. He also sees the desires of our hearts. His ‘No!’ could be a ‘Not now!’ He will open the gate if and when the time is right. In the meantime ….. be content with where you are right now!

Time For Reflection

Sue’s Views
We are rapidly coming to the end of winter ….. and it’s a good time for reflection. How is your year going? If anything like mine ….. it’s going very fast! Some of my ‘intentions’ at the beginning of the year are yet to be fulfilled. But it’s not too late to start that new project ….. change that old habit ….. or restore that relationship. Rather than making lists of things you should be doing ….. ask God what’s at the top of His list for you.


Sue’s Views
With so much sickness around ….. and the strain that’s being put on our health system ….. we must rely more and more on God for healing. Over the years ….. my family and I have experienced miracle after miracle. Some have been instant healings. Some over time. But the majority have been where God has imparted wisdom and knowledge that have been up to us to put into practice. Things like naturally healthy foods ….. and understanding of how our bodies work. Dealing with the root cause ….. and getting things in balance. Dealing with stress ….. and recognising it’s triggers. Breaking generational curses when we see patterns of disease ….. or tendencies towards certain addictions. The best part is ….. you dont need an appointment! He won’t tell you to come back next week! He is only a prayer away. 
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 1:2


Sue’s Views
Going through a dry patch? Does it seem like whatever life you had has been attacked by vultures? Position yourself for a miracle! God is very familiar with deserts! They give Him an amazing backdrop for a miracle. He may send ravens to feed you ….. or angels to encourage you ….. or create a river to flow and refresh you. Expect something supernatural! A new era is about to begin!


Sue’s Views
Many people in our world today are struggling because of labels ….. or things others have said about them. We become what we believe we are. A young man in the Bible was named Jabez which means ‘Pain’ because his Mum had a painful birth! But he wasn’t prepared to wear that name. He prayed, ‘Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will not cause pain.’ So God granted him what He requested. Ask God to bless you and make you bigger than the label that confines you!