Exploring faith and life
This beautiful rose is a symbol of hope. We are living in the present ….. but there is more to come. The Bible tells us that our eyes have not seen ….. our ears have not heard ….. and our hearts have not imagined ….. the things God has for those who love Him. So keep on loving Him no matter what. His plans for you are beyond your wildest dreams!
A huge thank you to those who have been praying for Frank’s brother. Eye surgery done and dusted! He now has perfect vision in one eye. The other is in miracle territory. Things don’t always go the way we’d like ….. but when we come to the end of our ability ….. God’s is just beginning. God invites us to partner with Him by praying. He is the miracle worker! It is great to see these 2 warriors together!
We all like a bit of romance ….. but how realistic is it really? Hollywood has set the bar too high for most of us! It gives us false expectations ….. and the message that love is a feeling. ‘If it feels good ….. do it! If it no longer feels good ….. move on!’ Jesus had a lot to say about love. He said ‘Love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you.’ Now that is more like it! Every day we have opportunities to show that kind of love! I’s not about feelings ….. it’s all about choices. It’s not about getting my need met ….. it’s all about helping others get their needs met. Sometimes ….. we may feel that our love has been trampled on. That’s how Jesus felt when He was crucified on our behalf so we could receive the love of the Father. Now that is true love!
If your world has been turned upside down ….. and it feels like nothing will ever be the same ….. remember that ‘not even one sparrow will fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And you are far more valuable than a sparrow.’ He will provide for you while He is working out your situation. Even when we can’t see it ….. or feel it ….. He’s working! He ever stops working!