
Exploring faith and life
Sue’s Views
Our past experiences make a pathway for our future. They can take us up to new heights of expectation ….. or down to old feelings of failure or shame. Why is it that some who have had an abysmal past become world changers ….. while others repeat the cycle? They make a decision whilst at the crossroads. They see clearly the two choices laid out before them and they choose the higher road. They see their God given potential and don’t want to waste it. They realise that ….. with His help ….. nothing is impossible!
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Do you suffer from insomnia? The animal kingdom seems to be able to sleep anytime anywhere! But some of us humans struggle to get the hours of sleep our bodies need. Our minds are constantly on overload ….. we take on more than we can handle ….. we eat too close to bedtime ….. and we spend way too much time on screens that overstimulate our brains! Again ….. the Bible gives us the antidote. Wisdom and commonsense! It’s one thing to know what we should do but it’s another thing to do it! It also encourages us to ‘Cast all our cares upon the Lord ….. for He cares for us’. What’s the point of staying awake worrying about something that the God of the Universe is dealing with? (Note to self 😔) I find that things always look better in the morning anyway! Sweet Dreams 😴
Depression and anxiety are modern day plagues ….. robbing us of our peace and joy. The enemy of our soul ….. Satan ….. wants to destroy us! He will find a weak spot ….. a past hurt ….. a negative word spoken ….. a disappointment ….. and reinforce it! If someone once told you you are worthless ….. he will remind you of that constantly. The more you dwell on it ….. the bigger and more real it seems. King David gives us an antidote to depression. He spoke to his soul! In other words ….. he gave himself a good talking to. ‘Why are you cast down, o my soul?’ He reminded himself of all the good things God had done in the past. Once he shifted the focus off his sadness and fear and onto God ….. he started to feel better. Hope and faith started to arise! It’s good to talk to a friend or counsellor who can help you distinguish the lies from the truth. But God is the best Counsellor! He not only knows you thoroughly ….. but He also knows the plans He has for you. Believe me ….. they are wonderful!