The Rock

Sue’s Views
Some of the best hymns have been written in the darkest or most difficult times. Songs like ‘Amazing Grace’ ….. and ‘It is well with my soul’ ….. were born out of times of tragedy and loss. One I love is ‘Ascribe Greatness to our God, the Rock.’ It was written by Moses at the end of his life. His very difficult life had taught Him that God was faithful, just and always did what was right. To Moses ….. God was the Rock that held him and gave him strength. If you are going through a season where it feels like you are hanging on by your fingernails ….. let go! Because God ….. the Rock ….. has got you!

Grandies Day!

Sue’s Views
Had a great time with these guys making cookies yesterday! They came out all shapes and sizes ….. and not all the cookie dough made it into the oven 😋! I’ll say no more! Zeke’s aim was to make the biggest cookies ….. Calla James to see how many she could make ….. Jabari picked out the chocolate chips and ate them ….. and Alayah just did her own thing! A few made it home to Mum & Dad! It’s ok! I made them wash their hands first!

Winning Attitudes

Sue’s Views

Well done Emirates Team New Zealand! Not only did they win the America’s Cup ….. but they also demonstrated some winning attitudes. Humility ….. honour towards their opponents ….. and great teamwork. It was lovely to see how Luna Rossa responded as well. Both winning and losing are tests of our character. Both pride and despair can take us down ….. but humility and hope for the future will lift us up! 

Nothing is Wasted

Sue’s Views
One thing I’ve learned from my journey so far is that no experience in life is ever wasted. Everything we go through is preparation and training for what lies ahead. Our struggles build strength ….. our mistakes form wisdom and understanding ….. our loneliness leads us to a closer walk with God ….. our losses teach us that everything comes from Him. So ….. there’s no point living with regret ….. guilt ….. or shame! Admit your failures ….. confess your sins ….. seek forgiveness where necessary. Then see the past as your pathway to the future. Then ….. go forward in God’s strength ….. wisdom ….. knowledge and understanding. There are people ahead waiting to be encouraged by your story!

Comeback Story

Sue’s Views
Wow! That was an exciting race yesterday! I love ‘comeback’ stories! Just when it seems all is lost ….. something amazing happens ….. and everything turns around! It’s usually the stuff movies are made of ….. but this is real! It’s an encouragement to us all ….. that no matter how bad our situation may be ….. we should never give up. Keep grinding ….. and wait for the winds to change!

Hear and Obey

Sue’s Views
Much of the Bible can be summed up in the words ‘Hear and Obey!’ There are many voices giving us information ….. and it’s up to us to decide whether or not it’s true. But when God speaks ….. we would be wise to listen. His instructions are based on the fact that He knows everything ….. He wants the best for us ….. He sees dangers we are unaware of. Disobedience has consequences. One of the biggest little words in the Bible is the word ‘if’. ‘If you obey my words ….. you will be blessed!’ ‘If you disobey ….. you will not be blessed!’ Disobedience is removing yourself from God’s protective covering. Don’t be easy game for the enemy! 

Our God is a Consuming Fire

Sue’s Views
Many ask ‘How can a God of love get angry enough to destroy people?’ Some think that the God of the New Testament is different to the God of the Old Testament. But not so! It’s the New Testament that tells us ‘Our God is a consuming fire!’ God’s love is not sentimental or romantic. It’s a love that always does what is right. It is also a long suffering and patient love. God waited until the occupants of Canaan had become so wicked they no longer deserved to live there. Just as a loving father disciplines his children ….. God cannot let sin go unpunished. We need to have a healthy fear of God!

Don’t Forget!

Sue’s Views
I don’t know about you ….. but I forget things very easily these days! Maybe it’s because life is so full and our minds are operating on overload most of the time. I don’t want to think it’s because I’m getting older ….. but that too! One thing I’ve found valuable is to keep a journal. Some days I simply write down what I did that day. Other days I take more time to process my thoughts and feelings. One thing God told the Israelites over and over was ‘Don’t forget!’ When you go into the Promised Land and possess houses you didn’t build ….. crops you didn’t plant ….. livestock and riches you didn’t earn ….. don’t forget that everything you have comes from God. When I look back at my journals throughout the years ….. I’m reminded of the many challenges God has brought me and my family through. The many blessings He has loaded us with daily. The lessons learned ….. the growth that has taken place. It all ends up with thanksgiving! If life is tough right now ….. take a moment to remember the One who has brought you through ….. and will continue to do so.

Dispossess and Possess

Sue’s Views
God has new territory for us to possess. It may be spiritual territory ….. emotional ….. mental ….. or material ….. but it is most likely occupied at the moment. Opposing forces don’t want you to have it. In order to possess something ….. we first have to dispossess it! Israel didn’t just wander into the Promised Land and take over. They discovered it was occupied by enemies of God and they weren’t going to hand it over easily. God had promised them that they would win the battle ….. but they still had to fight! When we fight in God’s army ….. we are assured of victory. So ….. ‘Be strong and of good courage ….. for the battle belongs to the Lord!’

The Journey Home

Sue’s Views
Board games really bring out the true character of a person! There’s the competitive ….. ‘must win at all costs’ type! Then there’s the strategic ….. ‘takes their time before making a move’ type. The aim of the game is to get home! The Israelites journey was something like a board game. They started out well ….. but then they would find themselves back where they started! They won some battles ….. but lost some as well. They had to learn to trust God and not rely on their own strategies. Their goal was to get to the Promised Land which was to be their new Home!