
Sue’s Views

Doctors are discovering that many diseases are connected to our thoughts and emotions. When we are angry and resentful ….. our bodies produce adrenaline and other stress hormones. As these build up ….. they are toxic to the human body. Medications that are prescribed to lower these levels may help temporarily but the root cause remains. Each time we remember the event that made us angry ….. we relive the trauma. The best medication is forgiveness! Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right ….. it releases you from the burden of holding them hostage. Before you grab those pills or pour that drink ….. ask yourself ‘Is there someone I need to forgive?’ 

The Way Forward

Sue’s Views
Are you worried about the future? The last year has certainly changed our perspective. Watching the news is like watching a sci fi movie. For many of us ….. the realisation that we are not in control has produced fear and anxiety. We can become intimidated by the vastness of the situation. But I want to remind you that Someone is still in control. Someone much bigger and stronger than any of your fears. More powerful than Covid ….. or governments. Wiser than the most qualified doctors and scientists. Call upon Him today ….. and He will show you the way forward.


Sue’s Views 
As we grow older ….. hopefully we grow wiser! Wisdom usually comes from lessons we learn along the way ….. and often from the mistakes we’ve made. But that doesn’t mean that the next generation has to learn wisdom the same way. The Bible says that ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’. The best thing we can do for our children and grandchildren is to teach them to fear God. The kind of fear this is talking about is not terror or dread ….. but honour and respect. When you respect someone ….. you want to please them. You fear the consequences of going against their will. You think things through to avoid hurting them. If you are a younger person ….. you would do well to listen to your elders. They know a thing ot two!


Sue’s Views
Change is something most of us resist. We want to be different ….. be better ….. be somewhere else ….. but we don’t want the process. And so we put up with the status quo! It may be because of fear. It may be because we are too lazy to be bothered to do what’s necessary. Or it may be because we believe we don’t deserve better. The first and most important part of change is to change our thinking. We won’t get to where we want to be with the same old mindset. If your dream is God given ….. He will also guide you through the process.

Mirror Image

Sue’s Views
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see your imperfections and blemishes ….. or do you see a ‘work in progress’? We never see things as they actually are because we look through filters. The filters of shame ….. regret ….. disappointment ….. comparison ….. unrealistic expectations. Only God sees us as we really are because He sees our hearts. The more we focus on Him ….. the more we will become like Him. We become like the people we spend the most time with. When He looks at you ….. He sees someone to die for!

School Holidays

Sue’s Views
How are the school holidays going? The kids might be on holiday ….. but for Mums and Dads it’s learning time! Learning to be patient ….. finding new things to do ….. and discovering how your children are wired. It’s a good opportunity to strengthen their giftings ….. and to encourage them in their weak spots. Get them involved in chores ….. even if you have to do it again! It builds good work ethics and a sense of achievement! I love this throwback pic!

Till Death Us Do Part

Sue’s Views
How’s your marriage? A strong and healthy marriage is not about romance and seeing eye to eye. It’s about two flawed people who choose to meet the needs and interests of the other. The vows we make are not just sentimental words. They speak of perseverance through the hard times ….. times of sickness ….. times of lack ….. times of regret. There’s a reason why it ends with ‘Till death do us part’. It will take a whole lifetime for two to become one! It has to be worked at. So many give up when things get a little tough. So hang in there! You are building a strong foundation for future generations!

Desert Experiences

Sue’s Views
When you look at planet earth ….. you see a wide variety of environments. There are rain forests ….. mountains ….. coastal regions ….. lakes and rivers ….. and deserts! I wonder why He didn’t just make the whole earth a perfect balance of these. I mean no one chooses to go to a desert for a vacation. A place that is dry ….. barren ….. and monotonous! And yet God saw fit to include vast areas of this kind. He made plants and wildlife especially suited to such and environment. That shows me that God is as concerned and intentional about every area of our lives. In the overall scheme of things ….. those desert experiences are necessary to bring balance and perspective. If you are going through a desert season ….. be encouraged! There are lessons that can only be learned in such a place. But there are better things ahead. And even in the desert ….. God has placed an oasis as a time of refreshing!


Sue’s Views

Work is an important part of life. We so enjoy our leisure time when we’ve worked hard. It helps us feel productive and gives us purpose. It’s so wonderful seeing the next generation at work ….. and enjoying it! What a team! I just hope Maverick still enjoys washing dishes when he’s older!


Sue’s Views
Are you facing temptation? We all do! It usually comes in the form of a question. ‘Did God really say not to do that?’ ….. ‘What’s the harm in just trying it?’ ….. ‘Doesn’t He want me to be happy?’ We don’t see the whole picture ….. but God does. The Bible says that when we are tempted ….. God always makes a way of escape.