
Sue’s Views

As I was walking yesterday ….. the path was littered with a mixture of autumn leaves and camellia flowers. I found myself thinking about people who have influenced my life. The leaves reminded me of the the more distant past. People who have passed on ….. but have helped shape me into who I am today. The flowers reminded me of the many wonderful people in my life right now. I began my walk asking God to show me the next step ….. I finished thanking Him for the past and present. I felt Him say ‘ Just enjoy where you are right now!’


Sue’s Views
Does it seem like your life has taken a detour? Things were going along nicely ….. and then you were thrown a curve ball? You feel like you are going in the wrong direction ….. heading away from your goal? That’s when we need to trust our Heavenly Father ….. who sees obstacles in our path way before we do. Our ‘inconvenience’ may be to accommodate someone else’s need. Don’t worry! He will bring you back on course!

When life gives you lemons …..

Sue’s Views
We’ve all heard the proverb ‘When life hands you lemons ….. make lemonade!’ It’s actually really good advice. Every bitter experience is an opportunity to change it into something sweet. After the incredible ‘Red Sea’ miracle the Israelites came to a much needed waterhole …..  only to discover it was bitter and undrinkable. Of course they complained (as would most of us) ….. but God showed them a tree ….. a tree He had created ….. that made the water sweet. Why ….. you may ask? Because ….. without the bitter ….. we can never appreciate the sweet. But there is always something we can do to make the situation more palatable!

Recipe for Depression

Sue’s Views 

Depression and anxiety have reached epidemic proportions ….. but you may be surprised to know that the Bible has a lot to say about them. Often ….. those who experience the highest highs also experience the lowest lows. The prophet Elijah was such a man. After an amazing victory on Mt Carmel in which God used him to prove He is the one true God ….. the next chapter sees him running away and fearing for his life. Here’s God’s recipe for dealing with depression. 1. Rest  2. Food and drink  3. God got him to acknowledge where he was and what he was feeling. 4. God addressed his fears and assured him he was not alone. 5. God gave him a new assignment and gave him a companion to work alongside him. He will do the same for you if you allow Him to. 

Support Systems

Sue’s Views

Do you feel like you are alone and that no one else understands what you are going through? Does it feel as though you are dangling in mid air? Do you feel vulnerable? I want you to know that you are being carried by a very strong support system. From where you are ….. you can’t see the whole picture. But if you could ….. you would know that there are others ahead of you who have completed the journey and cheering you on. And also ….. there are still others following behind you who will need your encouragement. No one can do life for us ….. but we can support one another! Hang in there! 


Sue’s Views
Tunnels are amazing feats of engineering! They get us where we want to go faster and more directly. Some cut through mountains ….. some go under cities ….. and some under water. It’s not much fun driving through a tunnel ….. especially if you are claustrophobic. Some are very long ….. and the thought of being underground can be daunting. We all go through tunnel experiences in life. You may be in one right now! You may be in a dark place with no sign of it ending. Fear may be gripping your mind as you consider all the possible outcomes. I just want to encourage you to put your trust in the Engineer! He made this tunnel to get you to your destination safely. This part of the journey is actually bypassing some obstacles! You are not alone. Soon ….. you will see the light at the end of the tunnel!

He Lives!

Sue’s Views

It’s funny how ….. when something happens outside of our realm of understanding ….. we try to explain it away. Many read the Bible with a ‘pair of scissors’! They keep the bits they like ….. but cut out the passages that don’t fit with their theology. These include miracles ….. and things that challenge their comfort. If they were to believe these things ….. they would have to change the way they live. The Resurrection of Christ is one of the events that has had lawyers and judges setting out to disprove its authenticity ….. only to come to the verdict that the evidence proves it happened! Jesus appeared to more than 500 people after his death and burial! Why did it cause so much controversy? Because ….. in rising from the grave ….. Jesus overcame sin and death for us all. He proved He is God ….. and made it possible for us the be saved! 

Is God’s Love ‘Unconditional’?

Sue’s Views

Today we celebrate the most amazing act of love the world has ever seen. A Father ….. seeing the need of us His children ….. and knowing there was only one way to meet that need ….. gave His only Son to die in our place ….. as a sacrifice for our sin. Crucifixion was one of the cruelest and humiliating ways to die. But Jesus’ focus was on you and me being reconciled to God and able to live with Him forever.  He even prayed for our forgiveness as He was dying. What should be our response? Jesus made it possible for us to be saved ….. but the choice is still ours. The term ‘unconditional love’ is used a lot lately but you won’t find it in the Bible! It’s true in the sense that a parent never stops loving their child no matter what they do ….. but that same love forces them to punish wrong behaviour. We have a choice to make! And it’s Heaven or Hell! Yes, there is such a place as Hell ….. but nobody will go there because God doesn’t love them. On the contrary, they will go there precisely because they have willfully chosen to reject His love, freely offered to them in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. ‘Choose you this day whom you will serve.’

Invest in Heaven

Sue’s Views
Well ….. here we are in April ….. which means we are one quarter of the way through the year! Time is such a valuable commodity. I looked back at my journal to see how I’d spent the year so far. Much of it has been the mundane ….. everyday ….. norm ….. things we don’t bother to record. It can seem sometimes like we haven’t accomplished much. But things like work ….. family ….. friends ….. and even time for ourselves ….. are investments that will earn interest later. So ….. ask God to guide you each day ….. and keep on investing in Heaven!