
Sue’s Views
Sometimes ….. a flower just makes me stop in my tracks and capture it. Why? Because it’s a work of art ….. a masterpiece! Yes there are many others ….. but none like this one. It has little imperfections that make it unique and special. Being like everyone else doesn’t make you valuable. It’s those little things you may see as flaws that give you your individuality ….. and set you apart from the crowd!

Clay Vessels

Sue’s Views
No matter how sophisticated we think we are ….. or how famous ….. or how talented ….. we are all made from the same clay! It’s what fills that clay vessel that makes all the difference. God’s Spirit on the inside transforms us from a clay pot ….. to a treasure trove. From a container ….. to a dispenser of His love. So instead of comparing yourself with other pots ….. let Him fill you and do things through you that you have not yet imagined!

Decisions Decisions!

Sue’s Views
Finding it hard to make a decision? Ask God for wisdom. He has all the facts ….. and He wants you to do well. But you must act on what He shows you to do. Faith pleases Him ….. even more than whether or not you make the right decision. He can steer you in the right direction ….. but you must make the first move.

Time To Shine

Sue’s Views
Just as many trees are starting to shed their leaves and looking brown and dry ….. this silk floss tree is at its best and stands out! It adds colour and vibrancy to an otherwise colourless landscape. We too don’t all shine at the same time! That’s why it’s useless to compare ourselves with others. Your purpose is unique to you. Your gifts need to be shared in God’s time and place. Noone else can do what you do ….. or be who you are. You have a place ….. a time ….. and a season. Those dull and seemingly long seasons of nothingness are preparing you for your time to shine!

Change Of Season

Sue’s Views
It has been a long hot summer ….. but now there is a definite change of season. Like me ….. some of you may be trying to squeeze every last drop of sunshine out of summer. Nevertheless we must yield to the cooler days and darker mornings. Every season in life has its purpose. We can enjoy it or endure it ….. but go through it we must. There is always something beautiful and enjoyable ….. like autumn leaves ….. and crisp, sunny days ….. to look forward to.

Hear And Obey!

Sue’s Views
Much of the Bible can be summed up in the words ‘Hear and Obey!’ There are many voices giving us information ….. and it’s up to us to decide whether or not it’s true. But when God speaks ….. we would be wise to listen. His instructions are based on the fact that He knows everything ….. He wants the best for us ….. He sees dangers we are unaware of. Disobedience has consequences. One of the biggest ‘little’ words in the Bible is the word ‘if’. ‘If you obey my words ….. you will be blessed!’ ‘If you disobey ….. you will not be blessed!’ Disobedience is removing yourself from God’s protective covering. Don’t be easy game for the enemy!

Renewed Daily

Sue’s Views
This tree reminds me that ‘though our outward man is dying ….. our inward man is being renewed.’ We are so much more than our bodies. They are the means through which we relate to the world around us. But inside ….. they carry our soul (our mind, will and emotions) ….. and our spirit ( the place where God dwells). This is the part that ….. when yielded to God ….. is renewed daily. It then dictates to our minds and bodies to get in line! We are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Pathway To The Future

Sue’s Views
One thing I’ve learned from my journey so far is that no experience in life is ever wasted. Everything we go through is preparation and training for what lies ahead. Our struggles build strength ….. our mistakes form wisdom and understanding ….. our loneliness leads us to a closer walk with God ….. our losses teach us that everything comes from Him. So ….. there’s no point living with regret ….. guilt ….. or shame! Admit your failures ….. confess your sins ….. seek forgiveness where necessary. Then see the past as your pathway to the future. Then ….. go forward in God’s strength ….. wisdom ….. knowledge and understanding. There are people ahead waiting to be encouraged by your story!


Sue’s Views
One thing I love about Facebook is the connections with people all over the world. People from your past ….. people who have moved away ….. loved ones who live on the other side of the world ….. acquaintances you meet by chance. Friendships are so valuable but easily neglected. Just want to let all my friends and family know how precious you are and I thank God for every one of you.

How’s Your Marriage?

Sue’s Views
How’s your marriage? Yes! It can feel like you are two very different species at times. And ….. yes ….. there are times when it seems like you’re not on the same track. But God, in His wisdom, brings along someone to complete us ….. not someone who matches us! Each has something the other lacks. Marriage is the perfect training ground for maturity! There’s no room for selfishness ….. or pride! The most important phrases we must learn if we want a happy marriage are ‘I’m sorry’ ….. ‘I forgive you’ ….. ‘I love you’!