God is Faithful

Sue’s Views
There are signs of spring even though it’s still the middle of winter! They remind me of God’s faithfulness ….. that even though we go through seasons of barrenness ….. there are always signs of better things to come. As the great hymn says ….. ‘Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!’ God is with us through every season.

A glimpse of Heaven

Sue’s Views

Woke up to this amazing sky this morning! It reminded me that no matter what is happening here on earth ….. God is reigning from Heaven. No matter who wins the elections ….. God is our righteous and just ruler. No matter how corrupt our world has become ….. He is still good. No matter what the devil has planned ….. God will turn it for good. He is not at all fazed by the state of the world ….. He is waiting for all to join His family. It’s not His will for any to perish ….. but one day He will say ‘Enough’ …..and we will see Jesus come back through that sky. What a day that will be!

Overcoming Barriers

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Are you looking longingly at life through a barrier? Do you feel like you are on the outside looking in? The barrier may be a lie in your thinking ….. ‘I’m not good enough ….. ‘smart enough’ ….. ‘pretty enough’ etc. or it may you feel something in your past disqualifies you from joining in. I had to laugh at this seagull because all he had to do was fly over the railing and he could partake of the crumbs! We can be like that! Most barriers are surmountable ….. and if not ….. The God who made a way through the sea ….. and moves mountains ….. can easily help you overcome your obstacle.

Red Flags

Sue’s Views
The majority of life’s lessons are learned the hard way! We learn by our mistakes. Last night ….. as my FB friends will know ….. my FB account was used to send an ‘unsavoury’ picture to all my friends. One small click caused much unnecessary angst for me and discomfort for many others. Of course I had no idea what the picture contained ….. but there were some red flags which I foolishly ignored. The lesson here is that the Devil wants to rob us of our reputation. He is the ‘accuser of the brethren’. He wants to load us with guilt and shame so we go through life with our heads down and feeling worthless. Unfortunately there are people who are only too willing to help him with his filthy schemes. We need discernment to avoid the traps ….. but we also need to receive God’s forgiveness and grace.


Sue’s Views
Does it feel like you are going round in circles? Are you facing the same challenges ….. and making the same mistakes ….. over and over again? It’s time for a change! The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome! The Israelites spent 40 years on a 12 day journey because they were afraid of giants in the Promised Land. What ‘giants’ are you afraid of? God has a  new path for you that will take you out of the rut you are in ….. but you have to look for it and trust Him. Don’t allow fear ….. complacency ….. or habit keep you from God’s promises!


Are you living with regret for mistakes you’ve made in the past? If only life had a ‘delete’ button ….. or a ‘rewind’! Most of us would be going backwards more than forwards! The truth is ….. we have all done things that haunt us. That’s why Jesus came! There’s no way we can erase the past ….. but through the Cross we are forgiven. God’s grace and mercy are the greatest gifts because we can’t earn them and we certainly don’t deserve them. Now ….. if God says we are forgiven ….. who are we to dispute that fact? He has ‘blotted out our transgressions like a cloud’ ….. and we can move on to see His promises fulfilled!


Sue’s Views
Communication is becoming a lost art. Texting ….. Messaging ….. Snapchatting ….. are convenient for some things. Sometimes a ‘yup’ or a ‘K’ is enough. But true communication still requires face to face time. It’s not only our words that express our thoughts and feelings. It’s also our tone and our facial expressions. It’s about listening and being heard. It’s not easy in our fast paced lifestyle ….. but it’s essential to healthy relationships. Who are you going to practice on this week?


Sue’s Views
No matter what you are going through right now ….. one thing you can hold onto is hope! Hope is not wishful thinking ….. ‘I hope things will change’. Hope is a blessed assurance that God already knows the future ….. and has your very best interests at heart. He is the One who made a dry path through the Red Sea ….. made streams flow in the desert ….. fed 5000 people with 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish ….. and countless other miracles. Put your trust in Him! He will change your outlook from bleak to sunny!
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Magnificent Magnolia

Sue’s Views
I love the magnolia season! When most trees are bare and appear lifeless ….. it’s time for these beauties to shine! And shine they do! Out of a small furry bud comes these huge and magnificent blooms. Do you know that you too were designed for greatness? You may look in the mirror and see nothing amazing ….. but on the inside of you is the potential to bring joy to someone’s darkest day. Don’t allow the devil’s lies to contain and limit you. You have a purpose and a place that no one else can fulfill!

Life’s Journey

Sue’s Views
Life has its ups and downs! I was just reading through my journal for this year ….. and what a roller coaster ride it has been. We often remember the highs and the lows ….. but the bits in between become a blur in our memory. The truth is ….. as we look back ….. it’s in the valleys that we grow the most. Without those times of loneliness ….. despair ….. anxiety ….. and need ….. we wouldn’t appreciate the times of elation ….. joy and celebration. Make the most of every step of the journey! None of them are wasted!

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