The Power of One

Sue’s Views
Many people struggle with low self esteem or feelings of inadequacy. You may have been told you would never amount to much. You may have done some things you regret ….. and are afraid to risk messing up again. You may feel small or powerless ….. but you have tremendous power! Like the ever spreading ripples on a pond ….. your life affects others. One word of encouragement can change a persons life. One vote in an election can change the outcome and future of a nation. One pair of hands can make a heavy job lighter. One prayer can prevent a disaster. Never underestimate the Power of One!


Sue’s Views
I’ve been thinking a lot about prayer this week. It’s one of the most powerful weapons we have ….. and yet it’s one we probably struggle with the most. Our adversary hates it when we pray because it interrupts his agenda. He gets us to focus on ourselves and our needs. He makes us feel inadequate and unworthy. But no matter how messed up your prayers may seem to you ….. God sees them from a different perspective! Our clumsy ….. awkward ….. and sometimes faithless prayers make perfect sense to Him because He hears what our hearts are saying. He hears our prayers and answers them. Not always in the way and timing we’d like ….. but every prayer makes a difference! Don’t give up!


Sue’s Views
Are you confused by what’s going on in the world? A man in the Bible by the name of Job had been through an incredibly hard time losing his loved ones ….. his income ….. and his health. He began to question God. No doubt we would all do the same in such circumstances. Is God really good? Does He care? Can I trust Him? God’s reply to Job was to ask him questions back. He asked Job ‘Where were you when I created the heavens and the earth?’ He talked about animals, insects, seas, clouds. Job was left with his hand over his mouth! He said ‘I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth. I myself will see Him!’ It’s ok to have questions. God’s answers will amaze you. Not all of our questions will be answered this side of eternity ….. but one day they will.

God is there

Sue’s Views
Here’s something to brighten your Tuesday! There is plenty of negativity and fear being spread around ….. but every so often we are reminded that God is still in control. He hasn’t changed ….. and neither has His plan! We may not see Him all the time ….. but He is always there. When we need Him most ….. He reveals His true colours!

Keep Going!

Sue’s Views
As a new week begins ….. let’s face it with anticipation ….. not skepticism. With optimism ….. not pessimism. With hope and courage ….. not fear and doubt. Right now ….. things may seem a bit shady. But shadows can only mean that the sun is shining up ahead! Keep going and everything will become clearer.


Sue’s Views
What do you do when the path you’re on runs out? You have three choices ….. 1) You turn back ….. 2) You stay where you are ….. 3) You move forward and make a new path! There are times when we realise we have made a mistake and we need to do a 180. There are times when we need to pause and wait for further direction. But then there are times when we know God has told us to do something that may be new territory. Pioneers have no path to follow ….. no map for guidance ….. no Google for directions! They just have a deep sense of calling and purpose. All these require courage and obedience. Where are you on your journey?

Hope of Spring

Sue’s Views
Welcome to the first day of spring! The weather might be a bit of a mixed bag ….. but hope and promise are in the air! I think we’d all agree that we are in a new season. We have never been this way before! But much of life is about learning to live with hope while in less than hopeful circumstances. We must look beyond the darkness ….. because it is temporary. Without the clouds …..there would be no rain. Without the rain ….. there would be no rainbow!

Heaven on earth

Sue’s Views
I managed to go for a couple of walks this weekend. It was great to not only get out of the house ….. but also to discover a whole different world! The spring blossoms were blooming and attracting tuis who were singing and calling with their funny clicking sounds. Families were walking and playing together. Everyone greeting and smiling at one another. As I reluctantly came away ….. I realised that that was a picture of Heaven on earth. There are actually 2 kingdoms coexisting ….. the Heavenly Kingdom where God is King ….. and the earthly kingdom where Satan is ruling. It’s up to us which kingdom we choose to be citizens of. To be a child of God means being ‘in the world but not of it’. We have God given power and authority to influence those around us and change the atmosphere. We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in the spiritual realm. Let’s not just fight against Covid ….. but against the evil forces behind it!

Daffodil Day

Sue’s Views
Today is Daffodil Day in NZ. It’s a day dedicated to focus on cancer awareness and research. Whilst Covid is a horrible and deadly pandemic ….. let’s not forget many more are struggling with other diseases that must be very difficult under our current restrictions. If you are suffering ….. or know someone who is ….. here’s a Bible verse for you to claim: ‘Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!’ Psalm 103:2-5

Walk by Faith

Sue’s Views
Life at the moment is a bit like a mystery tour! We can’t see far ahead ….. but we just follow the path we can see. Our vision is limited ….. but God has a bird’s eye view of the whole journey. He wants us to walk by faith ….. not by sight! When we walk by sight ….. we can easily take a wrong turn. There is a way that seems right ….. but it leads to destruction. Let’s keep moving forward and more of the right path will become clear.