
Sue’s Views
When life gives you a lemon ….. make lemonade! Our level 3 lockdown has been extended a few more days. For me ….. one of the hardest things is the feeling of being in limbo. Not knowing what next week will look like ….. let alone next year! But the truth is we never do. The best way forward is to live one day at a time. Don’t worry about tomorrow! Today is all we are assured of. When tomorrow comes ….. it will be another ‘today’ ….. and will have enough for us to focus on. All our ‘tomorrow’s’ are in God’s hands!

The Glad Game

Are you a ‘glass half empty’ or a ‘glass half full’ person? Do you see a dry, barren tree ….. or a tree that’s about to burst into life? The way we view life makes a huge difference to how we feel. The thing is ….. we can change our natural or default way of thinking. We can create new pathways in our brain by continually replacing the old habits with new ones. That reminds me of Pollyanna’s ‘Glad Game’. She always looked for something to be glad about!

Wait in the Lord

Sue’s Views
Those of us who like to know where we’ll be this time next week ….. are most likely finding it challenging at the moment. We can’t make plans because we’re playing the ‘waiting game’! Waiting for a decision from the PM ….. waiting for a vaccine or a cure ….. waiting for the borders to open etc. I suggest we stop waiting for these things to determine our future. Let’s start waiting on the Lord ….. who sees clearly what’s ahead ….. and is able to help us through. ‘Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint.’ Isaiah 40:31


Sue’s Views
Are you wondering what’s going wrong with the world? I can tell you in a simple sentence! We have not followed the instruction manual! I’ve been guilty of opening a new appliance ….. ignoring the manual thinking ‘It’s a toaster! How hard can it be?’ ….. and using it according to my limited knowledge based on my past experience with toasters! That means I didn’t get the best out of this toaster. I failed to respect its manufacturer. I deprived myself and my family of perfect toast! In a nutshell ….. we have not read the Designer’s Manual. If we have ….. we’ve only followed the bits we like. We’ve made up our own rules. We’ve allowed our governments to remove the Bible from schools ….. Parliaments ….. and Justice Systems. We’ve let them pass laws that are abhorrent to God and God’s people. We’ve made a God in our image who loves us no matter what we do. Most manuals have a section called ‘troubleshooting’. It tells you where you’ve gone wrong. I think it’s time to do some troubleshooting!

Hope springs eternal

Sue’s Views
I was surprised to see these early spring blossoms. The last time I visited the Gardens ….. these branches looked lifeless. But what is on the inside has to come out! The trees don’t care about diseases ….. the economy ….. or the elections. They just do what they are created to do! They are a sign to us of hope and contentment. We can be content where we are ….. while at the same time ….. expecting something amazing to be produced through us. Contentment comes from a grateful heart. Hope comes from believing the promises of God. A preacher I once knew used to say, ‘I’m satisfied with a dissatisfied satisfaction!’

Look inside!

Sue’s Views
Do you feel like you’re between a rock and a hard place? I want to encourage you to look ….. not at your circumstances ….. but what is within you. When God created you ….. He put everything in you that you would ever need to be all He created you to be. Within you are purpose ….. potential ….. gifting ….. strength and endurance. Nothing can stop God’s purpose being fulfilled ….. except you! Don’t tell God how big your circumstances are. Tell your circumstances how BIG your God is! 

Mind Health

Sue’s Views
The sign is a warning about feeding bread to the ducks. It makes them sick! It’s so important to eat the right food to live a healthy life. But that doesn’t only apply to our physical health. It also applies to our mental ….. emotional ….. and spiritual health. What we feed our minds can also affect our health. Be careful what you allow into your mind. There is a smorgasbord of negativity ….. fear mongering ….. and outright lies at our disposal. Just as we are the only ones who can control what we put in our mouths ….. we have to make good choices about what we allow through our eyes and ears. Jesus said ‘I am the Bread of Life’ A daily portion of His Word will keep us healthy!

Our Great Shepherd

Sue’s Views

I just want to remind us this morning that:

‘I, the Lord am your Shepherd, you shall lack nothing.
I will make you lie down in green pastures. I will lead you beside still waters.
I will restore your soul.
Even when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will not fear because I am with you. My rod and my staff will comfort you.
I am preparing a banquet for you in the presence of your enemies.
I will anoint your head with oil. Your cup will overflow.
Surely my goodness and my mercy will follow and be with you all the days of your life, and you will dwell in my house forever.’


Sue’s Views
Well here we are in lockdown again! Many will wake up this morning to the news if they missed the announcement last night. There will be many different responses and reactions. Some will be angry ….. some anxious ….. some relieved. However you feel ….. take a deep breath! Let’s not allow anger to become rebellion and out of control behaviour as we are seeing overseas. If you are anxious ….. stay home and reach out to a friend or loved one. Ask God for peace and wisdom and trust Him. He is your Father and will take care of you and all your needs. If you are relieved ….. you will probably enjoy the next few days! Remember ….. lots of good things came out of our last lockdown. Above all ….. let’s pray for our nation and for our government. Stay safe everyone ❤️

Prodigal Duck

Sue’s Views
Do you have a prodigal son or daughter? This picture reminds me of the ‘little duck who went swimming one day ….. over the hills and far away!’ No amount of quacking made the duck come back! But one day that little duck will realise he or she is in a place that’s not very nice ….. and will come to their senses. No matter where they are ….. or how far they have wandered ….. their Heavenly Father sees them and watches over them. Yours is to pray ….. it’s His job to bring them home!