
Sue’s Views
As we celebrate Waitangi Day ….. I want to say how grateful I am to this ‘Land of the Long White Cloud’ for welcoming my family 58 years ago. Along with so many others from every diverse culture ….. we’ve made New Zealand our home ….. and been given the opportunity to work and help make her our home. Often called ‘Godzone’ ….. let’s remember that God was here before any of us ….. and let’s try to keep her the way He planned!

Winning Attitude

Sue’s Views
Our attitude makes all the difference as to whether we win or lose in life. Joseph was an amazing example of that. His roller coaster journey took him to some very dark places. Sold as a slave by his own brothers ….. wrongly accused ….. sent to prison ….. forgotten! But in each of those dark places ….. the Lord was with Joseph. He became the head slave in a wealthy man’s house ….. the head administrator in prison ….. and finally the Prime Minister of Egypt. When his brothers knelt before him in fear of their lives ….. Joseph told them it wasn’t their doing but God’s. Through all his hardships and struggles ….. he could see God’s purpose in it all. What an attitude!

Aim High!

Sue’s Views
To all the students beginning a new school year ….. aim high! Aim high in your studies ….. aim high in your friendships ….. but most of all ….. aim high in your character. You may not be top of the class in Maths or English ….. but you could ace it in kindness and responsibility. Don’t just aim for a well paid job ….. aim also to be a person of integrity! Blessings to you all!

Back To School

Sue’s Views
Many will be starting back to school next week. For some it will be a brand new experience. Others will be returning to a familiar place ….. but a new classroom or teacher. Some will be excited ….. others a little nervous. The unknown can be daunting ….. but I want to encourage you that ….. waiting around that corner you are about to turn are some wonderful experiences. New friends ….. new opportunities ….. new things to learn. You can’t see it now ….. but it’s there waiting for you! Have a great year!

Try Journaling

Sue’s Views
Well ….. we’ve entered into a new year ….. and it is well underway! There are many ‘new things’ awaiting us. Some will be welcome ….. others not so much ….. but they are all to be learned from. Here’s a tip ….. if you haven’t already ….. start a journal! It has so many uses. 1. Keep an account of what you do each day. Very practical (and entertaining) to look back on! It will remind you of details you may have forgotten such as dates ….. events ….. what you cooked (handy to know so you don’t make the same meal twice for guests!) 2. Write down things you are thankful for each day. It will help you focus on the positives. 3. People and situations you pray for. You’ll be amazed how many prayers are answered! 4. Keep an account of what God is saying to you each day ….. either from the Word or just during your day. It’s amazing how quickly we forget in our busyness. You can add to the list and make it as simple or detailed as you like. I try to do it daily because it’s so hard to remember yesterday ….. let alone last week! There are so many seasons in my life when I wish I had kept a journal. Whatever you decide ….. I pray you will make the most of each day ….. and may 2025 be a year filled with blessings!

Your Story

Sue’s Views
Your story is the most powerful story you can share. It may not seem very exciting to you …..but to someone else it may be just the encouragement they need. The valleys ….. challenges you’ve faced ….. even your failures ….. all point towards God’s grace and faithfulness. People identify with a simple testimony and you will realise that everything you’ve been through was not only for you ….. but for someone else!

Preparation For Marriage

Sue’s Views
Before God introduced Eve to Adam ….. he prepared Adam for marriage! Firstly ….. Adam learned to walk and talk with God daily and to live in His presence. Next ….. he had to learn to be responsible for others and exercise authority by naming the animals. Then he was given a job that would provide for his family ….. as well as teach him to use his gifts in a productive way. Only then was he ready to meet the love of his life and start a family. Young men ….. these are the qualifications to being a husband. Young women ….. these are the attributes you need to look for in a future husband!

Happy Anniversary Auckland!

Sue’s Views
Cities are constantly changing! Every time we visit Auckland city there are new buildings ….. new road layouts ….. and new sights. The influx of so many immigrants and cultures brings variety and flavour! Of course ….. with that comes disagreements over ‘rights’ ….. inflation and traffic! But growth and progress is always costly. We are thankful to live here. Happy Anniversary to our beautiful City of Sails!

Divine Delays

Sue’s Views 
When life seems to come to a standstill ….. stick your head out of the window and enjoy the fresh air! Stuff happens everyday to disrupt our plans ….. and we have 2 choices. Get impatient, angry and lose it ….. or know that ‘My times are in His hands’! Be in the moment ….. maybe there’s a reason for the delay!


Sue’s Views

I’m sure we all have moments of irritability and annoyance! It often starts with little things that add up and snowball into a much bigger problem. We can’t avoid them ….. but we can choose how to react. When a grain of sand gets inside an oyster shell ….. the oyster secretes a substance called nacre that coats the irritant ….. and produces a beautiful pearl. He turns something abrasive and uncomfortable into a jewel! We too need to look for ways to turn the little things that annoy us into something valuable. I love Romans 8:28 that says:
‘And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.’

Look for the lesson to be learned ….. or the opportunity to come closer to Gods purpose.