Aim High!

Sue’s Views
To all the students beginning a new school year ….. aim high! Aim high in your studies ….. aim high in your friendships ….. but most of all ….. aim high in your character. You may not be top of the class in Maths or English ….. but you could ace it in kindness and responsibility. Don’t just aim for a well paid job ….. aim also to be a person of integrity! Blessings to you all!

It’s the Little Things!

Sue’s Views
Life is a lot like this picture. There are a few things that stand out ….. but the majority is made up of varying shades of green. Your life may not look very exciting ….. days of the same old routine ….. not much excitement ….. bo … ring! But every one of those meals you prepare ….. taxi runs to and from school ….. times you clean the house ….. go to work ….. or whatever you do daily ….. are significant bits of an overall beautiful picture!

Pass it On

Sue’s Views
I love the way this fountain is designed. Each branch is set at just the right angle to be able to receive water from the branch above while ….. at the same time ….. passing water on to the branch below. That’s a great picture of our lives. We receive ….. and we give. In that way we never become stagnant. The blessings we receive are not for us ….. but for others.

A Good Father

Sue’s Views
Ever wondered how God can be interested in you when there are 7.5 billion people on the planet? It’s because He’s so big He holds the universe in His hand. He knows you intimately. He designed you from the beginning. He knows your name ….. the desires of your heart ….. what you’re going to say before you say it ….. He knows your innermost thoughts. He’s a good Father and you can trust Him with every detail of your life. Like any good father ….. He will let you know when you are on the wrong path and lead you back to the right one. Are you ready to trust Him?

Through the Trouble

Sue’s Views
Noone likes to hear bad news ….. but bad news can be good news! An early diagnosis can prevent an illness from worsening. Even if it doesn’t ….. it helps to know the worst case scenario to prepare for the future. 
Before ascending to Heaven ….. Jesus warned his disciples about what would happen in the days to come. It’s a grim picture of persecution ….. martyrdom ….. and trouble. He said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” He didn’t say “The trouble won’t affect you!” In fact all but one of those disciples died as martyrs. But what He did say was that He would be with them through the trouble and bring them out the other side victorious. Whatever ‘troubles’ you are facing ….. you will overcome if you put your trust in Jesus.

Back to School

Sue’s Views
Many will be starting back to school this week. For some it will be a brand new experience. Others will be returning to a familiar place ….. but a new classroom or teacher. Some will be excited ….. others a little nervous. The unknown can be daunting ….. but I want to encourage you that ….. waiting around that corner you are about to turn are some wonderful experiences. New friends ….. new opportunities ….. new things to learn. You can’t see it now ….. but it’s there waiting for you! Have a great year!


Sue’s Views
Today’s movies and tv shows reflect a facination for the Supernatural. From zombies and werewolves to superheroes and avatars ….. there is no limit to the possibilities. The definition of ‘supernatural’ is ‘attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.’ To me ….. living a supernatural life means living above the standards and limitations of our natural tendencies. Jesus ….. the greatest super hero of all times ….. was the perfect example. He taught his disciples to ‘love their enemies’ ….. ‘to do good to those who persecuted them’ ….. ‘to go the second mile’ ….. ‘to give sacrificially’. Not exactly hit movie material ….. but things that require power beyond our selves. He gave us that power by sending the Holy Spirit to be our helper ….. guide ….. strength ….. and everything we need to overcome our enemy. In His own words: 
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,
that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free,
and that the time of the Lord’s favour has come.”

Qualification For Marriage

Sue’s Views
Before God introduced Eve to Adam ….. he prepared Adam for marriage! Firstly ….. Adam learned to walk and talk with God daily and to live in His presence. Next ….. he had to learn to be responsible for others and exercise authority by naming the animals. Then he was given a job that would provide for his family ….. as well as teach him to use his gifts in a productive way. Only then was he ready to meet the love of his life and start a family. Young men ….. these are the qualifications to being a husband. Young women ….. these are the attributes you need to look for in a future husband!

Your Story

Sue’s Views
Your story is the most powerful story you can share. It may not seem very exciting to you …..but to someone else it may be just the encouragement they need. The valleys ….. challenges you’ve faced ….. even your failures ….. all point towards God’s grace and faithfulness. People identify with a simple testimony and you will realise that everything you’ve been through was not only for you ….. but for someone else!


Sue’s Views 
We live in a society where once something is broken ….. it is considered useless and is thrown away. But God sees things very differently! He is drawn to brokenness ….. He knows that a broken heart is a receptive heart ….. a repentant heart ….. a thankful heart and a heart that is willing. ‘A bruised reed He shall not break’ ….. He will not only mend ….. but renew such a person. The brokenness then becomes their testimony.