New Mercies

Sue’s Views
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Is it ‘Good morning Lord!’ …… or is it ‘Good Lord! It’s morning!’ For some ….. a new day is a new opportunity. For others ….. it means another day of facing the same old challenges. The Bible assures us that God’s mercies are new every morning. Each new day offers a fresh perspective ….. and new hope. Expect Him to show you a new way ….. a greater understanding ….. and a closer walk with Him. God paints a different ‘skyscape’ every morning! He only has to speak and new things are created. Ask Him to speak some new things into your life! Have a blessed day everyone!

Stay Safe!

Sue’s Views
No doubt your year is beginning to rev up and the stress levels are a little high? Remember to breathe ….. and don’t be pressured by the dates on the calendar ….. the ads on the tv ….. or the expectations of others. Each day has 24 hours ….. we all have the same amount ….. and it’s up to us how we spend them. Have a blessed day everyone and be safe ❤️

One Day At A Time

Sue’s Views
My theme song at this time of year is ‘One day at a time’! And sometimes even ‘One step at a time’!  Jesus warned his disciples not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough to focus on. Much of our stress and anxiety is based on stuff that hasn’t happened yet ….. and may never happen! Have you noticed how the media sensationalises things to make you feel like you are living through something that hasn’t happened yet? Our minds and bodies can’t cope with that. We must learn to live in the present ….. and do life in bite sized pieces! Reading back through my journal ….. I can see that much of what I feared never happened ….. or help came just when I needed it! Commit each day to the Lord and He will determine the outcome!

Bitter Sweet

Sue’s Views
Disappointments come in many different forms ….. but they are most often due to our expectations not being met. We expect people to keep their word ….. but they don’t. We look forward to an event ….. but it gets cancelled. We worked really hard all year ….. but someone else gets the promotion. You can add your version to the list! But what if our disappointments are God’s  appointments? There’s a story in the Bible about the Israelites ….. after their amazing escape from Egypt via the Red Sea ….. came to a pool of water. After 3 days of travelling they were very thirsty ….. and were so relieved to be able to have a drink. But only to discover the water was bitter and undrinkable. They groaned and complained ….. completely forgetting what God had just brought them through! But Moses prayed and God showed him a tree and told him to throw it into the water. The water became sweet! So much we can learn from this story ….. but I believe the main point is that God used a disappointing situation to prove to them His supernatural power and ability to take care of them in any circumstance. When we put our trust in Him ….. He can make our bitter pool sweet!
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Press Through

Sue’s Views
What do you see in this picture? Do you see the trees making the way narrow and difficult ….. or do you see the wide open space ahead? How we view life determines how we live. Don’t be put off by the challenges in your path. Press through and experience the freedom on the other side!


Sue’s Views
There’s one in every family! That one child that always pushes the boundary! You provide a safe and healthy environment for them ….. but they have to find out what’s on the other side of the fence! They often have to find out for themselves. Like the Prodigal Son ….. his father had to let him go knowing full well he would be in for a difficult journey. But he never stopped praying that one day his son would return. In fact he expected it to happen and watched out for his son’s return. So if you have a prodigal son or daughter ….. don’t despair! Praying God’s covering over them is the best way to keep them safe ….. and He knows exactly how and when to bring them home! After lessons are learned ….. you will have a new child!

Hold Fast

Sue’s Views
The Bible says “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering for He who promised is faithful.” We need to confess what God has said. If He said it ….. it doesn’t matter how things look! It will happen! Just like Abraham ….. who ‘hoped against all hope’ ….. we will see the promise fulfilled if we hold on without doubting.

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God!

Sue’s Views
A few weeks ago we were staying with friends at Ohope Beach. One night I was having trouble sleeping. I went outside and saw the most magnificent sight! The night sky was a display of God’s handiwork ….. and preached one of the most significant messages I’d ever heard! If God created all that and holds it all in the palm of his hands ….. why would I ever doubt His ability to deal with my problems? What I saw was only a small part of the Milky Way which is made up of billions of stars ….. and is one of countless other galaxies. And yet He sees you and me ….. and cares for us! Stop telling God how big your problems are ….. and start telling your problems how big your God is! 
 ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.’ Psalm 19:1


Today is Thanksgiving Day in the US. We don’t celebrate it here in NZ ….. but I think it would be a good idea! We might have different reasons to celebrate than the Americans ….. but we certainly have a lot to be thankful for. We live in one of the most beautiful and safest countries in the world. Of course we can find plenty to gripe about ….. but the whole point of being thankful is to look for the positives ….. and they far outweigh the negatives. In fact ….. everyday should be Thanksgiving Day!
